Organizing this jank?? ;)

By Mattr0polis, in Runebound

So in anticipation of Frozen Wastes I was pulling out all my Runebound stuff again. Is it just me though or is the worst game at trying to keep it all in like one easily sorted box? I have every expansion and there's just too much stuff for this game lol. Right now I have like two 1 row boxes holding the cards, the Runebound core box has all the miniatures, dice, misc. stuff, and then I have one of the other big box expansions holding the maps, and tokens sorted into a tackle box tray. This is too much to easily carry around though lol. Maybe I'm just too OCD when it comes to this, but I've been trying to find a way to fit everything (except maybe the cards, there is just too many of them now I think) into one box, but still have it all very organized/easily accessible.

Does anyone have a better system to organize this stuff? What does everyone else do with all of this?

I just keep all the original components for each "big box" in their respective boxes. I put the expansion decks in a plastic bin. Seems to work for me.

I have all the 3 waves of expansion cards in the base game box and keep the Board expansions in their original boxes.

I can understand some people who like to consolidate everything into one box (or only a few), but I personally like to keep the expansions in their respective boxes and put them all on the shelf. The unfortunate side effect is that my wife makes fun of me for having 5 copies of the same game on the shelf. Arguably, I do have First AND Second edition (essentially the "same game" to the untrained eye), but she doesn't understand that the others are EXPANSIONS, not the same game at all. She's going to have a field day when I eventually put Frozen Wastes up there.

I compromise, and put all the stuff which always gets used (the item/ally decks, character deck, experience counters, adventure jewels, etc.) in the original Runebound box, and all the options stuff (adventure variants, big box expansions) in a second big box (Al Kalim, for no special reason).