We've played "Bloody Omaha" a couple of times (scenario from the Normandy campaign expansion booklet). Although it's a very enjoyable scenario and it's actually very well-balanced (we've seen roughgly an equal number of wins for both sides), there's one thing that's always bothered us a lot and it doesn't only apply to this specific beach scenario. It's the vulnerability of (units in) bunkers to combined small weapons fire. The Americans/ British start having the initiative meaning that THE thing to do is combine fire on the Allied first action turn rather than getting the heck off of the beaches! Some easy solutions would be:
* Germans start with initiative (can at least do some damage before being blown out of the bunkers, if they've been stupid enough to set up in them in the first place..
, using the current rules)
* Squads use their anti-vehicle range and firepower against units in bunkers. Personally I prefer this option as it seems much more historically accurate and might actually convince the Germans to USE their bunkers for their intended purpose. Might be necessary to give the Allies some additional squads, cards and the like in certain situations, though.
Yesterday I was leafing through said scenario booklet and thought it might be nice to play e.g. "hide and Seek", but the above made me prefer e.g. Operation Goodwood or breakthrough to Saint Lo. Of course i could first try the above as a houserule.
How do you guys feel about this?