Using business card holders for smaller decks

By talismanisland, in Talisman Home Brews

I found a couple of links on BGG about how people have used business card holders for Arkham Horror and Runewars ...



... and thought I would make some dividers for Talisman.

Whilst I was at it, I decided to go and buy one of the card holders and give it a try.

Hey!! Cool website!!

Though they work quite nicely, the Warlock Quest and Purchase decks would be too big for one tray if they were sleeved, plus they did not seem to sit right to me. It could be I am being a bit too picky, but there you go! As you can see they would fit sleeved cards if you wanted.


Still, for a fiver and a bit of printing, I think they aren't so bad!

If you want to give them a try, I have uploaded a pdf file which I will put on BGG also.

Pretty nifty. I still like my boxes better, and it might not work for all decks, but that's a truly nice and affordable idea. A separate rack for Purchase cards in categories (Weapons, Armour, Followers, etc.) would be great for beside the board and a little easier to quickly find what you've bought.

Hmmm... now you have me thinking about a new box design.

Well, until the other 8 slots are filled up by expansions you could add in sections for Weapons, Armour and Followers from the Purchase deck.

I am 99% certain of buying some of the acrylic boxes that have been touted elsewhere on the forum, and am looking at a couple of sets of the Catan ones for smaller decks.

It would be nice to make my own boxes, but I doubt I would ever be satisfied with my own efforts as I am always overly critical of my "makes". I did snaffle a sample of faux-leather wallpaper at B & Q the other day for covering something though! It can go in my bits box for another project I guess...


I saw the business card holder solution on BGG and figured it looked pretty cool (and cheap). The only problem, and it is a deal breaker, I see is that I want to use mine sleeved, and this will not work with it, but those who use their cards unsleeved with be fine.

My other niggle about the Quest deck being too large might be because it is next to a smaller deck and in the middle of the holder. I may remake the tabs so that the larger decks site together in the front slots.

Too bad about the sleeves, but its still workable. Now what is that about the "Catan boxes"?

The chap who manufactures the perspex Talisman boxes, also makes one for Catan.


It would actually do okay for smaller decks, but again, I am not sure it would do for a fully sleeved Quest deck. I will have to report back.

Interesting, and I have seen these before... but like most such boxes I see two problems:

  1. No place for discards. One has to slide them under the deck (face up) or have a separate place for all discards. Your approach with card racks is better in the first situation; it is easier to slip the discards behind the decks for those decks that require such... like quests, rewards, etc.
  2. No lid. Not too much trouble if the racks fit well into the main box and aren't jostled coming in and out of storage.

Then again, a container that works for both storage and play is just my fussy thing and most players groups aren't that way. Most people just want a little organization, especially when using those slippery sleeved cards that make it harder to keep the cards in a stack.

Of course when it comes to the THE deck, the big one... Adventures... there just isn't any solution except a long rack box... or two in my case.

Q: Approximately how many sleeved cards could you get into one slot of your rack... in one pile or side by sides in two piles?

I've been working on a solution to the Adventure deck problem....I thought of using a card shoe like this one: card_shoe.jpg

But the problem is that they all are built for standard playing cards, and they all seem to have them coming out landscape-y, rather than portrait-y (if you get my meaning). The Talisman adventure deck is about the same width landscape-y as a normal deck is portrait-y. If I could find a card shoe (and I've looked!) where the cards come out by the short edge rather than by the long side, I'd be set. The advantages are many; including an automatic growing discard area behind the moving wedge inside the shoe. I've seen business card dispensers that dispense the cards along the short edge, but I don't know where to get my hands on one, or whether the dimensions are right. 5684751UTtuElqEsz_th.jpg

Getting REALLY fancy, I'm also working on incorporating a dice tower into the design so that the dice are easier to find and use. I don't know about you guys, but I find that the colour of the Talisman dice is such that finding them on the board can be an eye-bending experience. Something like this (sorry for the rough sketch; it's on a napkin): img299.jpg

Ideally, it'd sit nicely on the centre of the board and save table space too (we always have to bring in an extra table from the foyer if we're playing with the Dungeon and Highland boards).

Anybody got any leads on the card shoes that I'm describing? (Any good carpenters?) :)

....nobody? Really? serio.gif

Well well well. I had an idea to make a dice tower as we often have to catch it, cards, figures and other things it knocks over as well finding problems with it blending into the background. Searching various ideas on the web and some interesting ones for sure. But I wanted it in the middle of the board and we keep the mountainous adventure deck there... What about a shoe incorporated into the tower? All ones I can find are for regular decks.

Perhaps if I also search on fantasy flight......

And so I ended up here.

Looks like we have the same ideas but you are a bit ahead. Did you get anywhere ?

I am thinking of moulding one in design of staircase to CoC on the cover. For that I will probably need d12 dice numbered only 1-6 (twice) which I also cannot locate.

My daughter is finally old enough to play games with me. I remember the 2nd edition fondly, and I thought Talisman would be a good one to start her with. We played our first game today, and she really enjoyed it! I expect to add some small box expansions to flesh out the Adventure deck, which brings me to the topic. This is an old thread, but I like the idea of a card shoe for a large deck. Anyone had any luck? I'm thinking of prototyping something out of foam core, and if it works out I may fabricate something more elaborate befitting the Talisman Motif. Other suggestions?

I think foam core would be a good place to start, however, the adjustable back to adjust to a growing deck might be the biggest challenge. Making one to specifically fit a fixed deck size would be easy, but the adjustable part I just can't quite see in my head for anything but wood or metal. Maybe I'm missing something.

I've got an idea for a two sided adventure/discard tower with a simple foam core pattern. I may try to work on it this weekend, and if it turns out I'll look into posting the parts drawings. I really need to make something, as we just added Reaper.

I found the perfect solution for big adventure card decks on BGG - a "Carcassonne: The Tower" tile dispenser!

A huge tip of the hat for this brilliant suggestion. It looks fantastic, and I have room to stuff another 2 or 3 expansions in it.

That tower is a really nice idea, since it can be taken apart and laid flat for storage itself. In addition, just the picture alone gives construction clues for making a custom one to fit any size card or tile… Hmmm… definitely something to think about for some needs.

Can anyone tell me the height of a complete stack of Adventure cards? I'm thinking of trying my hand at making a tower similar to the one mentioned above.




where can I get these business card holders from ? Great idea and would love them to go with my game. I cant seem to find the righjt one anywhere !!!!

Hi, The Background fo rth Business Card Holders Looks great, How did you work the designs, as would like to do them for the other decks so they are unifrm as they look great. Do you have an editable tamplate of them, or what software did you use to put the artwork and the fonts.

Many thanks

Hi, The Background for the Business Card Holders Looks great, How did you work the designs, I would like to do them for the other decks so they are unifrom as they look great. Do you have an editable template for them, or what software did you use to put the artwork and the fonts.

Many thanks