What is the setting for this game?
What is the setting for this game?
The same setting as the rest of the 40K rpgs, just from Chaos' point of view.
Big **** Hero said:
The same setting as the rest of the 40K rpgs, just from Chaos' point of view.
Yes, I know it's set in the 40K setting (I'm not a moron
), I mean what is the specific setting - as in DH was Calixis Sector, RT the Koronus Expanse, and DW the Jericho Reach ... what is this one's?
Adam France said:
Big **** Hero said:
The same setting as the rest of the 40K rpgs, just from Chaos' point of view.
Yes, I know it's set in the 40K setting (I'm not a moron
), I mean what is the specific setting - as in DH was Calixis Sector, RT the Koronus Expanse, and DW the Jericho Reach ... what is this one's?
The Screaming Vortex (which, if you look on the Rogue Trader map, is in the Warp Storms between the Calixis Sector and Koronus Expanse) is mentioned on the Description page.
Huh. I thought the Screaming Vortex would be some reference to the Eye of Terror.
I'd say "good catch", but...
That reminds me: An interesting question might not only be "where" but "when". There are two pictures with Necron elements (a scarab and a lord). Either they wake up a little sooner in the Vortex than in the rest of the galaxy (and for some reason, Chaos isn't interested in telling the Imperium) or FFG advances the timeline.
Cifer said:
Huh. I thought the Screaming Vortex would be some reference to the Eye of Terror.
I'd say "good catch", but...
That reminds me: An interesting question might not only be "where" but "when". There are two pictures with Necron elements (a scarab and a lord). Either they wake up a little sooner in the Vortex than in the rest of the galaxy (and for some reason, Chaos isn't interested in telling the Imperium) or FFG advances the timeline.
There is nothing to say that the Necrons cannot awake before the incident at Sanctuary 101. You could argue previous sightings were unreported. Besides, as I have always said, the Deceiver has been active for a long time and there are Necrons who have infiltrated the Imperium. I guess then that we would have some active tombs already.
There is nothing to say that the Necrons cannot awake before the incident at Sanctuary 101. You could argue previous sightings were unreported.
There most defintely was Necron activity prior to Sanctuary. However, since FFG can't change established facts, any imperial sightings would have to be near-insignificant and only involve servitor constructs like the scarabs - which is pretty much what happened in Deathwatch. However, any major (gaming, not military) campaign with Necrons would most likely turn out too significant. Of course, it's only known that the Imperium doesn't know of the Necrons before Sanctuary...
This might also be one of those hooks that were mentioned in another group - an Imperial (Inquisitor, Rogue Trader, general, whatever) who gets a glimpse of the power of Necrons decides they can only be fought with the single energy they can't tap: the Warp. Thus you can be trying to save humanity while dropping deeper into the forbidden arts than most radical Inquisitors would...
It doesn't contradict previous fluff for the Necrons to be active, it just means they have a reason to be active in the part of the galaxy the game is set in, befow they became more active throughout the galaxy at large. Or from an even worse point of view, they win, and exterminate everyone who could have tattled on them.
It's highly likely that any that make their appearance in the game lines we've got will have a good excuse for it, probably something along the lines of some artifact or tomb world of their's that's been disturbed.
If the setting is inside a warp storm, then all notions of linear time and coherent reality are suspect. It's possible there's a tomb world that was lost in this vortex due to the enslaver plague or some other calamity, and the chaos servants have awoken them, or they send people there as tests. Heck, the warp can also permit you to be in multiple places, and times at once....which would be a trip.
Possibly this game might also take place after the 'official' canon incidents from the regular 40k timelines. Specifically it would take place at the beginning of the next millenia right after Abaddon's last black crusade and the destruction of both the blackstone fortresses, and flaws being found in the golden throne.
I'm going for warp storm says rules of reality take a mini hike though.
Though I'd have preferred something like a xenos RPG supplement, I can get behind the idea of playing as Alpha Legion marines, and Hertek Tech priests.
Hm, the game's default setting is inside the Warp Storm itself? Wouldn't that mean your opponents are all going to be Chaotic themed foes (of one kind or another)?
I assumed the Crusade title implied you'd be Chaotic characters pushing out into a region of the Imperium.
Adam France said:
Hm, the game's default setting is inside the Warp Storm itself? Wouldn't that mean your opponents are all going to be Chaotic themed foes (of one kind or another)?
I assumed the Crusade title implied you'd be Chaotic characters pushing out into a region of the Imperium.
It's more likely that the Warp Storm is friendly territory, like Footfall in Rogue Trader and the Collar of Iron in Deathwatch. Well as friendly as Chaos territory gets. From there the PCs will raid and intrigue into Calixus and Koronus and getting into all sorts of trouble abroad when they aren't intriguing and feuding with other champions at "home".
don't forget it may be also a way to get to the jericho reach , but as some one said its probably going to be as "safe " as any chaos place is
Hold on...
My first response to the announcement of Black Crusade would be...WHAT!?!
Right, got that off my chest...is the mythology/setting set prior to or during the 13th Black Crusade?
(Which would mean that the Segmentum Obscuras would be subject to a major chaos incursion).
Seeing as part of the running theme is submission to the ruinous powers the likes of the Alpha Legion, and the Word Bearers will be in their somewhere...?
(I'd like to see something on the Blood Gorgons but, well...)
What's next FFG a WH40K RPG specificially for Xenos...get to play Ork/Eldar/Tau (etc.)...?
Obviously it's not, "Black Crusade" is just a cool sounding name for the book. It's going to take place during the same time and near the same location as the other games.
It does talk about forming up a warband around your banner and going on a crusade of your own against the weakling Imperium of Man. Which strikes me as kind of being the end-game content of it.
Also, I doubt we'll ever see a line come out for the various Xenos races, especially one specific one...
Well, maybe Eldar.
Pehaps Black Crusade is more than just a cool title. I could see a game where the PCs strike out into the galaxy to cause carnage (of course) AND to pave the way for a full-blown Black Crusade XIII. Missions could involve sabataging defensive outposts & listening stations, creating cults & corrupting PDF troops, or causing daemonic incursions to weaken the veil between worlds.
Blood Pact said:
Also, I doubt we'll ever see a line come out for the various Xenos races, especially one specific one...
Well, maybe Eldar.
I could see a Tau game. Expanding the Empire for the greater good. Different castes (almost different races). Kroot or other integrated people (even Imperial defectors). Basic RPG elements, if you ask me.
Alpha Chaos 13 said:
Blood Pact said:
Also, I doubt we'll ever see a line come out for the various Xenos races, especially one specific one...
Well, maybe Eldar.
I could see a Tau game. Expanding the Empire for the greater good. Different castes (almost different races). Kroot or other integrated people (even Imperial defectors). Basic RPG elements, if you ask me.
An Ork themed RPG might also work. Heck, it almost writes itself.
the title would also be the simplest of all the FFG 40k RPGs. WAAAGH! There, new RPG has a name, that's also a nob to the early days of table top 40k.
Though I could also see a Tau themed game before Eldar, as the tau are more understandable and have a lot of kew toys to play with. Eldar would take a bit of work to do right.
An Adeptus Mechanicus themed add on and or stand alone might also be fun. Players could be skitarii, Knight titan pilots, and Magos all working for the omnissiah's benefits. It's be similar to the Tau RPG, only it explores an even more mysterious and less well known part of the 40k universe.
Meh. I doubt there will be a Tau one. Or if there is, as a distant third.
And I'd argue the Eldar write themselves. they're already designed into 'splats' the way it is. The only thing that might need to be dealt with is how mutable they get.
It would need to cover a few options: Staying on a path with the Exarch/Farseer 'end point.' Changing paths, with the possible Autarch endpoint. And also the Wraithguard endpoint... since, well, death just means going into the infinity circuit. My worry would be they end up done too one dimensional - because changing paths instead of being lost on them is a big part of the Eldar Way. My worry is you'd have to play someone destined to be stuck on your path because it's the easy way to make the game. So hopefully both options are possible, a mutable leaping between paths... perhaps with some sort of insanity/corruption mechanic to represent becoming 'lost' in your path, and ways to just be lost. There'd obviously need to be some rules for what you take with you though, as once you're on a path, you're different.
I'd even hypothesize they will come before Orks. If only because that's the only thing that makes their lack of inclusion in the Rogue Trader book make any sense. Though I wouldn't be shocked if they come first because they might be easier. (Though there's some craziness they need to take account of as well.. size, and the fact they need a natural one in charge)
Endless sub-games, each getting their own expensive corebook sounds like the worst way to go with the 40k rpg line to me.
Aren't the games that already exist robust enough for people to play Eldar? Or Tau, or whatever? If not, why not? This to me is madness.
If by 'robust enough' you mean why not just a sourcebook? I'd agree... I'd rather it be that way even.
Hell, even ideal. Release a 'corebook size' supplement. And have that much more room for splats and setting. You could darn near combine a Rites of Battle style sourcebook with the 'group specific' rules in such a book. since as is most of us are getting all the books (Except deathwatch, there's a lot who only get that). So why buy the rules EVERY time.
I'll have to agree that a big book of optional campaigns for xenos, and other alternatives would be very desirable. However, if they went such a route, it'd likely end up being multiple smaller books in the vein of Blood of Martyrs, the upcoming Imperial Guard book or the gun and careers supplement each line gets. So one for all ork games, one for Tau empire games, etc.
I don't know. I'd think it would need to be bigger than Blood. Rites of Battle or Inquisitor's Handbook style minimum to do Orks or Eldar justice. Especially Eldar with all their Aspects (And no doubt at least one FFG Craftworld Specific original Aspect)
xenos themed source-books would be a great idea, i have to agree on that i would happily buy an ork one and a eldar one, though i bought the into the storm book mainly for the ork stuff (planning a one-off ork adventure as a tester), i know silly
For Xenos expansions Eldar make the most sense. That isn't to say that the others aren't doable but the Eldar have the most going for them.
1) Large fan base.
2) Lots of cool gear, weapons, and psychic abilities.
3) They already have a built in rational. The Outcast paths, which include Harlequins, pirates, rangers, and mercenaries already wander around the non-Eldar parts of the universe and get into trouble. Add in requests from Farseers "these guys over here need to be taken out before things get bad for us" and you've got easy adventure construction with lots of variation in character types.
4) Warp gates are great from a GM point of view. They allow easy transit from places the GM wants the players to be to places the GM wants the players to go.
Orks can wander around and get into trouble and the Tau can have a special trouble shooting team that gets sent to hot spots so yes, those games are doable but the Eldar already have a lot of game friendly material and big fan base. Orks carry the burden of being the comic relief race and Tau are lightning rods. Most people either like them or loath them and for a game you want as wide a customer base as possible.