How re-playable is the game? will it eventually need an expansion to keep fresh?
Is it any good solo or better with mutli players?
is it quick to set up and play?
cheers for any comments
How re-playable is the game? will it eventually need an expansion to keep fresh?
Is it any good solo or better with mutli players?
is it quick to set up and play?
cheers for any comments
- Game itself is pretty replayable, but also quite simple, that´s why players want some expansions (the other reason is, that it´s good, too). If you would like, you can download some fan expansions from The truth is, there is only 8 terrain cards, and 4 of them are just spawning points for enemies. Honestly, there could be a little more variety, but if you don´t plan to play it 10 times in a row, there shouldn´t be a problem. After all, the game itself is about tactics, decisions and anticipation. You shoot with flamethrower, throw a die and expect to kill the whole swarm. You attack with brother Claudio (he´s truly a butcher), you kill 3 enemies with ease, then you throw a die and hope he survived his dance of death. You press a button and hope it won´t explode in your face. It´s about survival. And when swarms of hungry genestealers run at you yelling with lust for blood, you will easily forget, that there is no terrain variety. You just pull the trigger and hope for the best.
- EVERY game is better with more players. I suppose, you don´t hear it for the first time. Each player brings his mood and personality to the game and helps to build up the atmosphere (especially if you play with roleplayers). But it has a little downside - players can be eliminated, and that won´t happen in solo play, unless you lose all of your marines. Solo play is a little bit different. You control all the marines, and their fate is literally in your hands
I heard some players, that playing solo can be a little bit of a chore, because you have to control all the soldiers. And that´s the difference. You have to think more and make more decisions. While multiplay often seems easier, because you have other people to support you, in solo game you are alone and everything seems heavier and harder (at least for me). It´s pretty subjective opinion, though. And just one more thing for the replayability. In multiplayer you would like to play it once more after you finished. In solo, you´ll be exhausted
- Setup takes about 5 minutes or so. It´s just a few card types, and if you have them sorted, setup is overall pretty quick.
Hope it helped.
Tyrichter said:
Meh. Co-ops I prefer to play solo, less idiots going off-key and doing things that aren't directly helping to win
thanks for the comments, still considering!
Dam said:
Tyrichter said:
Meh. Co-ops I prefer to play solo, less idiots going off-key and doing things that aren't directly helping to win
Heh. Maybe it´s time to find better players
Man, in the Arkham Horror forums, you can read all kinds of stories. But most seem to involve people actually wanting to explore the town and have encounters instead of playing purely for the win
. It's one of the complaints often tossed against AH that you don't get to explore the town enough because you have to focus on the gates to win. I'm always like, what, you don't play to win?
Ok, I admit, sometimes people can be stupid. Maybe I was just lucky to play all coop games with good players. But generally I still find playing coop games with others nicer than playing solo. Because even if you lose, you had great time together. And if they do something wrong, you can punish them
Speaking of Space Hulk Death Angel, there is nowhere other players could go, they are stuck in the formation, or they are dead, so I think the disadvantage of separating themselves from the group is minimalised. And they also have only three action cards they use over and over, so there is 1/3 probability, they´ll do, what you want
But you know what? I´ll take a look at the Arkham Horror forums also. Suddenly I feel some strange interest in those crazy stories you tell me about.
Positive side about co-ops is that if you have certain people who are crazy lucky, at least they aren't using that luck against you, instead for the common good.
I picked it up as an impulse buy, haven't regreted doing so at all. Rather fun card game amongst friends, so I highly recommend it.
It's an awesome game. When I don't feel like playing CoC, I do a solo game of SH:DA and it's FUN! I find it funny when I get massacred. Funny in a sense that "Man I got owned again by these Genestealers." sort of funny. Shuffle the deck and try again. You'll hear Bill Paxton in your head yelling "Game Over man!" when you get surrounded in the first few minutes of the game and you've already lost two marines.
One thing that I would advise is to read up on the FACING rule. How you are facing will determine what you can do with your marines. There's a rule there about Support Tokens and how you are facing. Make sure you read and remember it. On my very very first run of the game, I didn't put the support token facing rule and I felt the game was too easy. On my second run and after having corrected my mistake, the game became HARD..challenging!