Cardboard sheet missing?

By Hasim, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello everyone,

I purchased Descent : Journeys in the Dark yesterday and unpacked it today (not being able to hold myself any longer) and I noticed the following. Each cardboard sheet in the box has two numbers as you all probably already know, 1-12, 2-12, 3-12 etc. I have no 12-12, finishing instead at 11-12. Is that normal or is there one sheet missing?

I apologize for the probably noobish question and thank you in advance for your reply(-ies)

To be honest I'm not actually sure. It certainly looks like you're missing one.

I would begin by counting out all the game components and comparing them to the list at the front of the rulebook, that will tell you for sure if you're short any bits and which ones they are. Assuming you are missing anything, contact Thaad at [email protected]. FFG's customer service is legendary, so I doubt it will be a problem to set you straight.

Yeah the silver chest No 1 marker is missing (that one was apparent right away). :(

AND the overlord beat us - twice. I am sad :(

I will contact customer support of course since I heard/read that is rocks, although I am a bit faaaaaaaaaaaar.