Leman Russ Tank and Some Variants

By Nuada_Obliage, in Deathwatch House Rules

I have seen some stats some people have put up for the Leman Russ and some of its weapons before, I thik they are great but I would like to put up mine as well.

Please be gentle :P

Leeman Russ
Type : Ground Vehicle
Tactical speed: 12m
Manoeuvrability: +0
Crusing Speed: 55kph
Armour: Front 42 side 38, rear 28
Structural integrity: 40
Special Rules
Reinforced Hull
Reliable +10 to tech use tests to repair

The Leman Russ can have 1 turret choice, 1 hull mounted choice and 2 sponsons that can either match or not.
1 hull mounted weapon (las cannon, heavy, 300m, S/-/-,6d10+10,pen10,clip 40),( heavy bolter, Heavy, Range 150m, -/-/10, 2d10+10x, pen 6, clip 400, tearing )
Sponsons can have
• Plasma cannons, heavy,Range 150m, S/-/-, 2d10+11 E, Pen 10, Clip30, Blast(1) can be fired on maximal),
• multi melta, heavy, 60m, S/-/-, 4d10+6 E, Pen 13, Clip 30 Blast (1),
• Heavy bolters, Heavy, Range 150m, -/-/10, 2d10+10x, pen 6, clip 400, tearing
• Heavy flamers, heavy, 30m, S/-/-, 2d10+6 6 10 2 full flame, clip 60

Turret weapon:
• Annihilator: Twin linked Lascannons, range 300m, heavy, S/-/-, 6d10+10 E pen 10, clip 30, Twin-linked
• Battle Cannon: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+12x, pen 8, clip 40, blast [6], devastating 2
• Conqueror battle cannon: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+4x, pen 6, clip 46, blast [1], Gyros-if the vehicle moves at its tactical speed it does not take the -10 to BS, moving at twice tactical speed it takes -5 bs
o Co-axial Storm bolter, this is set beside the main gun and can only fire on the same target as the main gun, Range 100m,S/2/4, 2d10+5,pen 5, clip100, reload 2Full, Storm, Tearing)
• Demolisher Siege Gun: Range 50, Heavy, S/-/-, 4d10+20x,pen10, clip 25, blast [10], devastating 5
• Eradicator Nova Cannon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+5 E, pen 8, clip 30, special: Ignores cover
• Executioner Plasma Cannon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/3/-, 3d10+6 E, Pen 10, Clip 18, Blast(3) can be fired on maximal[4d10+8 E, Pen 20, Devastating [2]
• Exterminator Auto Cannons: Twin-linked Auto cannons, Range 300m, Heavy, S/2/5. 4d10+5I, Pen4, Clip 360, Twin linked
• Punisher Gatling canon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/-/15, 2d10+9, pen 6, clip 600, devastating 3
• Vanquisher Anti Tank gun: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+5 I, pen 12, clip 28


Type : Ground Vehicle
Tactical speed: 12m
Manoeuvrability: +0
Crusing Speed: 55kph
Armour: Front 54 side 42, rear 30
Structural integrity: 40
Special Rules:
Archeotech, the main gun and its sundry components cannot be repaired in the field and will need a dedicated repair facility and even then it is not guaranteed the weapon can be fixed, the drive system is however standard leman russ technology
Reinforced Hull
Hull mounted Laser Destroyer: 750m, S/-/-, 4d10+25E, Pen 30, clip 15, felling (2)

For comparative purposes, the Leman Russ rules I posted a while ago. They're not as resilient as yours (I wrote these back before Rites of Battle was out, using the Into the Storm vehicle rules, and working from those as a base, so I didn't really have any big heavy combat vehicles to compare to), but I think my weapons are a little more powerful...

Leman Russ Battle Tank
Type: Ground Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 10 m Cruising Speed: 35 kph
Manoeuvrability: +0 Structural Integrity: 28
Size: Massive (+30) Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 20
Crew: Commander, Driver, Loader, 2 Sponson Gunners. Carrying Capacity: 0

One Turret-mounted (Facing: All) weapon from the following list:
• Phaeton pattern Battle Cannon and 40 shells
• Stygies pattern Vanquisher Cannon and 40 shells
• Mars pattern Exterminator Autocannon and 10 ammunition drums
• Gryphonne pattern Conqueror Cannon and 40 shells
• Kantrael pattern Eradicator Nova Cannon and 40 shells

One Hull-mounted (Facing Front) weapon from the following list:
• Triplex Phall pattern Lascannon
• Mars pattern Heavy Bolter
• Voss pattern Heavy Flamer

Two Sponson-mounted (Front/Left and Front/Right) weapons from the following list; the weapons must be the same:
• Mars pattern Heavy Bolter
• Voss pattern Heavy Flamer
• Mars pattern Multi-Melta
• Ryza pattern Plasma Cannon

Special Rules
Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows all rules for ground vehicles.
Availability: Rare
Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with a Reinforced Hull receives a Critical Hit, halve the result, rounding up. This quality does not affect rolls on the Critical Hit chart generated by Righteous Fury.

Leman Russ Close Support Tank
Type: Ground Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 9 m Cruising Speed: 30 kph
Manoeuvrability: +0 Structural Integrity: 30
Size: Massive (+30) Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 25
Crew: Commander, Driver, Loader, 2 Sponson Gunners. Carrying Capacity: 0

One Turret-mounted (Facing: All) weapon from the following list:
• Phaeton pattern Demolisher Cannon and 26 shells
• Lucius pattern Punisher Cannon and 4 ammunition drums
• Ryza pattern Executioner Plasma Cannon and 10 fuel cells

One Hull-mounted (Facing Front) weapon from the following list:
• Triplex Phall pattern Lascannon
• Mars pattern Heavy Bolter
• Voss pattern Heavy Flamer

Two Sponson-mounted (Front/Left and Front/Right) weapons from the following list; the weapons must be the same:
• Mars pattern Heavy Bolter
• Voss pattern Heavy Flamer
• Mars pattern Multi-Melta
• Ryza pattern Plasma Cannon

Special Rules
Ground Vehicle: This vehicle follows all rules for ground vehicles.
Availability: Very Rare
Reinforced Hull: When a vehicle with a Reinforced Hull receives a Critical Hit, halve the result, rounding up. This quality does not affect rolls on the Critical Hit chart generated by Righteous Fury.

Sorry if the text on the vehicle weapons table is a bit small; click the table to open it in a new tab or window at full size.

As it's an image, it's not as simple to update as raw text would be, but you should probably make the following changes to the entries in the table (which I'll get round to updating at some point). The main changes are the addition of Concussive and Devastating to the various big blast weapons (Concussive seems ideal for big explosive shells like that, and Devastating helps them flatten Hordes in an appropriate manner), while the anti-tank shells get a boost against heavy armour and tough monsters.

  • Battle Cannon High Explosive shells should be Concussive and Devastating (3)
  • Battle Cannon Anti-Tank Shells should have the Felling (1) and Razor-Sharp qualities
  • The Conquerer Cannon should be Devastating (1)
  • The Demolisher Cannon should be Concussive, Devastating (3) and Volatile
  • The Eradicator Nova Cannon should be Concussive and Devastating (4)
  • The Vanquisher Cannon High Explosive Shells should be Concussive and Devastating (3)
  • The Vanquisher Cannon Anti-Tank Shells should have the Felling (1) and Razor-Sharp qualities

Your Vanquisher Gun is too weak in for the best Anti Tank gun on a Leman and the Demolisher is too strong. and of what use is the RoF of 15 on the Punisher? Waitin till you geht a BS of 161 and the roll a 1? Putin the Rof to 10 ang give it Storm makes a lot more sense!

Vendettar said:

Your Vanquisher Gun is too weak in for the best Anti Tank gun on a Leman and the Demolisher is too strong. and of what use is the RoF of 15 on the Punisher? Waitin till you geht a BS of 161 and the roll a 1? Putin the Rof to 10 ang give it Storm makes a lot more sense!

well the demolisher is the one they have stated for the vindicator in Rites of Battle so that is going to stay as it is, changing the punisher is okay and all righty I will change the vanquisher too.

Nuada_Obliage said:

I have seen some stats some people have put up for the Leman Russ and some of its weapons before, I thik they are great but I would like to put up mine as well.

Please be gentle :P

Leeman Russ
Type : Ground Vehicle
Tactical speed: 12m
Manoeuvrability: +0
Crusing Speed: 55kph
Armour: Front 42 side 38, rear 28
Structural integrity: 40
Special Rules
Reinforced Hull
Reliable +10 to tech use tests to repair

The Leman Russ can have 1 turret choice, 1 hull mounted choice and 2 sponsons that can either match or not.
1 hull mounted weapon (las cannon, heavy, 300m, S/-/-,6d10+10,pen10,clip 40),( heavy bolter, Heavy, Range 150m, -/-/10, 2d10+10x, pen 6, clip 400, tearing )
Sponsons can have
• Plasma cannon, heavy,Range 150m, S/-/-, 2d10+11 E, Pen 10, Clip30, Blast(1) can be fired on maximal),
• multi melta, heavy, 60m, S/-/-, 4d10+6 E, Pen 13, Clip 30 Blast (1),
• Heavy bolters, Heavy, Range 150m, -/-/10, 2d10+10x, pen 6, clip 400, tearing
• Heavy flamers, heavy, 30m, S/-/-, 2d10+6 6 10 2 full flame, clip 60

Turret weapon:
• Annihilator: Twin linked Lascannons, range 300m, heavy, S/-/-, 6d10+10 E pen 10, clip 30, Twin-linked
• Battle Cannon: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 4d10+10x, pen 12, clip 40, blast [7], devastating 2
• Conqueror battle cannon: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+6x, pen 8, clip 46, blast [4], Gyros-if the vehicle moves at its tactical speed it does not take the -10 to BS, moving at twice tactical speed it takes -5 bs
o Co-axial Storm bolter, this is set beside the main gun and can only fire on the same target as the main gun, Range 100m,S/2/4, 2d10+5,pen 5, clip100, reload 2Full, Storm, Tearing)
• Demolisher Siege Gun: Range 50, Heavy, S/-/-, 4d10+20x,pen10, clip 25, blast [10], devastating 5
• Eradicator Nova Cannon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+5 E, pen 8, clip 30, special: Ignores cover
• Executioner Plasma Cannon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/3/-, 3d10+6 E, Pen 10, Clip 18, Blast(3) can be fired on maximal[4d10+8 E, Pen 20, Devastating [2], blast (6)
• Exterminator Auto Cannons: Twin-linked Auto cannons, Range 300m, Heavy, S/2/5. 4d10+5I, Pen4, Clip 360, Twin linked
• Punisher Gatling canon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/-/10, 2d10+9, pen 6, clip 600, devastating 3, storm
• Vanquisher Anti Tank gun: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+12 I, pen 24, clip 28, felling (1), Tearing


Type : Ground Vehicle
Tactical speed: 12m
Manoeuvrability: +0
Crusing Speed: 55kph
Armour: Front 54 side 42, rear 30
Structural integrity: 40
Special Rules:
Archeotech, the main gun and its sundry components cannot be repaired in the field and will need a dedicated repair facility and even then it is not guaranteed the weapon can be fixed, the drive system is however standard leman russ technology
Reinforced Hull
Hull mounted Laser Destroyer: 750m, S/-/-, 4d10+25E, Pen 30, clip 15, felling (2)

yeah so I changed some stuff around, I from what I have read, the Vanquisher is basically slightly less powerful then the normal battle cannon in terms of damage, but its longer range and the very high armour piercing qualities make it superior against armour. Using it against troops would be a waist as the shell are not explosive

Leeman Russ
Type : Ground Vehicle
Tactical speed: 12m
Manoeuvrability: +0
Crusing Speed: 55kph
Armour: Front 42 side 38, rear 28
Structural integrity: 40
Special Rules
Reinforced Hull
Reliable +10 to tech use tests to repair

The Leman Russ can have 1 turret choice, 1 hull mounted choice and 2 sponsons that can either match or not.
1 hull mounted weapon (las cannon, heavy, 300m, S/-/-,6d10+10,pen10,clip 40),( heavy bolter, Heavy, Range 150m, -/-/10, 2d10+10x, pen 6, clip 400, tearing )
Sponsons can have
• Plasma cannon, heavy,Range 150m, S/-/-, 2d10+11 E, Pen 10, Clip30, Blast(1) can be fired on maximal),
• multi melta, heavy, 60m, S/-/-, 4d10+6 E, Pen 13, Clip 30 Blast (1),
• Heavy bolters, Heavy, Range 150m, -/-/10, 2d10+10x, pen 6, clip 400, tearing
• Heavy flamers, heavy, 30m, S/-/-, 2d10+6 6 10 2 full flame, clip 60

Turret weapon:

• Annihilator: Twin linked Lascannons, range 300m, heavy, S/-/-, 6d10+10 E pen 10, clip 30, Twin-linked

• Battle Cannon: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 4d10+10x, pen 12, clip 40, blast [7], devastating 2

• Conqueror battle cannon: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+6x, pen 8, clip 46, blast [3], Gyros-if the vehicle moves at its tactical speed it does not take the -10 to BS, moving at twice tactical speed it takes -5 bs
o Co-axial Storm bolter, this is set beside the main gun and can only fire on the same target as the main gun, Range 100m,S/2/4, 2d10+5,pen 5, clip100, reload 2Full, Storm, Tearing)

• Demolisher Siege Gun: Range 50, Heavy, S/-/-, 4d10+20x,pen10, clip 25, blast [10], devastating 5

• Eradicator Nova Cannon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+5 E, pen 8, clip 30, special: Ignores cover

• Executioner Plasma Cannon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/3/-, 3d10+6 E, Pen 10, Clip 18, Blast(3) can be fired on maximal[4d10+8 E, Pen 20, Devastating [2], blast (6)

• Exterminator Auto Cannons: Twin-linked Auto cannons, Range 300m, Heavy, S/2/5. 4d10+5I, Pen4, Clip 360, Twin linked

• Punisher Gatling canon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/-/10, 2d10+9, pen 6, clip 600, devastating 3, storm

• Vanquisher Anti Tank gun: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+12 I, pen 24, clip 28, felling (1), Tearing


Type : Ground Vehicle
Tactical speed: 12m
Manoeuvrability: +0
Crusing Speed: 55kph
Armour: Front 54 side 42, rear 30
Structural integrity: 40
Special Rules:
Archeotech, the main gun and its sundry components cannot be repaired in the field and will need a dedicated repair facility and even then it is not guaranteed the weapon can be fixed, the drive system is however standard leman russ technology
Reinforced Hull

Hull mounted Laser Destroyer: 750m, S/-/-, 4d10+25E, Pen 30, clip 15, felling (2)

Nuada_Obliage said:

yeah so I changed some stuff around, I from what I have read, the Vanquisher is basically slightly less powerful then the normal battle cannon in terms of damage, but its longer range and the very high armour piercing qualities make it superior against armour. Using it against troops would be a waist as the shell are not explosive

Not quite.

A Vanquisher Cannon is essentially a long-barrelled Battle Cannon... the differences are in the shells. That the Vanquisher Cannon uses a more potent form of anti-tank shell than the Battle Cannon is really the biggest difference between the two.

N0-1_H3r3 said:

Nuada_Obliage said:

yeah so I changed some stuff around, I from what I have read, the Vanquisher is basically slightly less powerful then the normal battle cannon in terms of damage, but its longer range and the very high armour piercing qualities make it superior against armour. Using it against troops would be a waist as the shell are not explosive

Not quite.

A Vanquisher Cannon is essentially a long-barrelled Battle Cannon... the differences are in the shells. That the Vanquisher Cannon uses a more potent form of anti-tank shell than the Battle Cannon is really the biggest difference between the two.

From what I have read there are two different vanquisher cannons, but I beleive that both have a smaller bore then the battle cannon. If you give the vanquisher the same damage as a standard battle cannon but greater armour piercing isn't that just a battle cannon firing a armour piercing shell. So I am going to stand by my one thanks.

Oh Oh OH , we need to make a Baneblade....

Nuada_Obliage said:

From what I have read there are two different vanquisher cannons, but I beleive that both have a smaller bore then the battle cannon. If you give the vanquisher the same damage as a standard battle cannon but greater armour piercing isn't that just a battle cannon firing a armour piercing shell. So I am going to stand by my one thanks.

I'm not just pulling this stuff out of thin air. This stuff is from Imperial Armour volume 1.

The Vanquisher cannon does come in two distinct patterns produced on two different Forge Worlds, yes, but they're functionally equivalent (much like many of the millions of distinct patterns of Lasgun produced on countless worlds are functionally equivalent). According to Imperial Armour 1, both the Stygies and Gryphonne patterns (and the now-lost Tigrus pattern that preceded them) essentially just long-barrelled Battle Cannons. In wargame rules terms, they've been long-barrelled Battle Cannons in every ruleset they've appeared in (first appearance was Codex: Imperial Guard in 3rd edtion, followed by other appearances in Imperial Armour vol1, Codex Imperial Guard 4th edition, Epic: Armageddon), with the solitary exception of the most recent Codex: Imperial Guard (which removed their capacity to fire explosive shells).

Conventional Battle Cannons employ both High Explosive and Anti-Tank shells in their own right (again, Imperial Armour 1 - probably the best source if you want info on Imperial Guard tanks and Imperial Navy flyers); the ones used by the Vanquisher are better - high-velocity sabot rounds (they discard the outer casing during firing, the actual shell being smaller than the weapon's calibre and shaped to pierce vehicle armour.

Surely it should have a higher front armour value? Leman Russes have a front armour of 14 don't they? Means they should be closer (on the front) to a Land Raider than a Predator.

borithan said:

Surely it should have a higher front armour value? Leman Russes have a front armour of 14 don't they? Means they should be closer (on the front) to a Land Raider than a Predator.

well see I think if you want to take the armour ratings from the table top game you have to take the numbers more of a range of armour value. I would say in the rpg terms the Predator and the Leman Russ are very similar as they are on the table top, but a land raider is by far a step up from a Leman Russ. I think that is a rather agreable.

Nuada_Obliage said:

borithan said:

Surely it should have a higher front armour value? Leman Russes have a front armour of 14 don't they? Means they should be closer (on the front) to a Land Raider than a Predator.

well see I think if you want to take the armour ratings from the table top game you have to take the numbers more of a range of armour value. I would say in the rpg terms the Predator and the Leman Russ are very similar as they are on the table top, but a land raider is by far a step up from a Leman Russ. I think that is a rather agreable.

Now, going by quick comparisons to the existing vehicles in Rites of Battle I would give them Armour: Front 50 Sides 42 Rear 20 (31 in the heavier versions) with a Reinforced Hull. In the turret I would put the Defiler's Battle Cannon (I think that's the only Battle Cannon we have so far). I would also give it greater Structural Integrity than a Predator. Maybe 70?

Now, that is just a direct transfer and so with the fact that it is a more detailed system there would probably be variations from this, but I would consider this to be the base to work from.

I would personally reduce the top speed to about 50 kph

Leeman Russ
Type : Ground Vehicle
Tactical speed: 19m
Manoeuvrability: +0
Crusing Speed: 35kph
Armour: Front 50 Sides 42 Rear 20
Structural integrity: 60
Special Rules
Reinforced Hull

The Leman Russ can have 1 turret choice, 1 hull mounted choice and 2 sponsons that can either match or not.
1 hull mounted weapon (las cannon, heavy, 300m, S/-/-,6d10+10,pen10,clip 40),( heavy bolter, Heavy, Range 150m, -/-/10, 2d10+10x, pen 6, clip 400, tearing )
Sponsons can have
• Plasma cannon, heavy,Range 150m, S/-/-, 2d10+11 E, Pen 10, Clip30, Blast(1) can be fired on maximal),
• multi melta, heavy, 60m, S/-/-, 4d10+6 E, Pen 13, Clip 30 Blast (1),
• Heavy bolters, Heavy, Range 150m, -/-/10, 2d10+10x, pen 6, clip 400, tearing
• Heavy flamers, heavy, 30m, S/-/-, 2d10+6 6 10 2 full flame, clip 60

Turret weapon:
• Annihilator: Twin linked Lascannons, range 300m, heavy, S/-/-, 6d10+10 E pen 10, clip 30, Twin-linked
• Battle Cannon: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+5x, pen 8, clip 40, blast [8], devastating 4
• Conqueror battle cannon: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+2x, pen 4, clip 46, blast [4], Devastatin 2 Gyros-if the vehicle moves at its tactical speed it does not take the -10 to BS, moving at twice tactical speed it takes -5 bs
o Co-axial Storm bolter, this is set beside the main gun and can only fire on the same target as the main gun, Range 100m,S/2/4, 2d10+5,pen 5, clip100, reload 2Full, Storm, Tearing)
• Demolisher Siege Gun: Range 50, Heavy, S/-/-, 4d10+20x,pen10, clip 25, blast [10], devastating 5
• Eradicator Nova Cannon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+5 E, pen 8, clip 30, special:, blast 6, devastating 2, Ignores cover
• Executioner Plasma Cannon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/3/-, 3d10+6 E, Pen 10, Clip 18, Blast(3) can be fired on maximal[4d10+8 E, Pen 20, Devastating [2], blast (6)
• Exterminator Auto Cannons: Twin-linked Auto cannons, Range 300m, Heavy, S/2/5. 4d10+5I, Pen4, Clip 360, Twin linked
• Punisher Gatling canon: Range 200m, Heavy, S/-/10, 2d10+9, pen 6, clip 600, devastating 3, storm
• Vanquisher Anti Tank gun: Range 300m, Heavy, S/-/-, 3d10+5 I, pen 24, clip 28, felling (1), Tearing, Acurate


Type : Ground Vehicle
Tactical speed: 12m
Manoeuvrability: +0
Crusing Speed: 55kph
Armour: Front 54 side 42, rear 30
Structural integrity: 40
Special Rules:
Archeotech, the main gun and its sundry components cannot be repaired in the field and will need a dedicated repair facility and even then it is not guaranteed the weapon can be fixed, the drive system is however standard leman russ technology
Reinforced Hull
Hull mounted Laser Destroyer: 750m, S/-/-, 4d10+25E, Pen 30, clip 15, felling (2)

Okay I think at this point we have arrived at a quite acurate ideal of the Leman Russ with at least something I would use as a base of the Leman Russ chassis. The thing that bothers me is that the defiler battle cannon which has been proposed as the statline for the Leman Russ Main Battle Tank battle canon is weaker then the a Auto canon in initial damage, I think however its impressive blast and devastating qualities give it alot of oomph. So I am going to in this post which I am going to take as preety close the acurate portrayl of a Leman Russ leave the defiler battle canon as the battle canon for the Leman Russ, also I am going to change the damage of the vanquisher gun to the same stat but with far increased penetration, no blast or devastating but with felling, tearing and acurate as I have often heard the weapon as being very acurate. Honestly I am very satisfied with the stats of the chassis the weapons will always be a source of contention for me and I am sure others. I will wait in bated breath for when FFG releases the Leman Russ in one of their books.

Rather than just try and correct the fact that the battlecannon has lower damage than an autocannon you could have two different shot types, a high explosive round (using the stats already given) and an armour piercing round which has higher damage but no blast.