Thank You!

By JerusalemJones, in Free Fall

Thank you FFG for releasing anything realted to Android. This is a really great game that doesn't get the attention it deserves, and releasing a novel could drive more people to the game. If nothing else, it's cyberpunk, and I can't get enough cyberpunk.

Looking forward to reading this, and I'll be promoting this to friends and customers alike.

I am very excited to see fiction around your game. But the title, Freefall? Have you checked how many titles there are with that title, not to mention the comedic Infocom game about robots. But then I'm probably one of the few who have read it.

Anyway, I may disagree with the title, but I am glad to see the book. I will buy it! Please, more fiction to fill in the background of the games!!!

I never played the Android game,but after reading the book,am quite impressed the way it has been narrated and presented.Now really looking forward to play the game.

Thanks to FFG for not giving up on a really underappreciated classic. I WILL be buying this book (and your others).

I'm also glad to see more android love. I still hold on to hope for an expansion, even if it's just a print on demand.

fluff always helps keep games going strong

When it comes to anything cyberpunk, there is no fluff.

And it has an August release date.