We are due to start a new DW campaign in a few weeks, and have spent a few sessions playing through scenarios/skirmishes to familiarise ourselves with the rules.
One minor issue we've encountered is that melee appears to be a little static due to the disadvantage of moving and attacking as opposed to just standing still and counterattacking with multiple attacks. We're not sure if this is something we are doing wrong, or a quirk with the system.
We were thinking of adding the following to the Charge Action:
If the charge hits make an opposed Strength Test. If the attacker wins, the target is moved back one metre. If desired, the attacker can advance one metre as well.
And possibly adding the following home brew Action to the list:
Type: Half Action
Subtype: Attack, Movement
This action allows the active character to move one metre and make one attack at -10 WS.
Any feedback, tips or experiences on the subject would be much appreciated.