A little question about combining abilities. The Power field card says, that the swarm inside the power field cannot attack or be attacked (or slain) for that round. BUT can they be intimidated by the blue team? Intimidation is not an attack, it doesn´t slay genestealers, it just removes them back to the blip pack (they´ll come back anyway) so logically, it should be possible. What do you think? How would you play it?
Powerfielded + Intimidated?
I've played is as legit. Intimidation isn't killing.
yes but think about this as in realy life if i put a power field around u so u cant attack do u think u would be able to run away
But is it a Power Globe (all around) or a Power Wall? Could be the Power Field just blocks the GS access to the marines in one direction, so they can still be Intimidated backwards/sideways.
then they wouldve just went underneath it it would need to be a power globe to completely block them off
But they (GS) hungry, it's the shortest route or none at all
I was always thinking about it as power field wall, so I used the Intimidation. But truth is, if the field would be everywhere around them, they would have nowhere to escape. They would just run inside the power globe like crazy hamsters