order of resolve after a challenge

By kingsoyboy, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

I have a quick question about timing. The attacker used Eddard Stark STR. 3 (who had deadly) for a millitary attack, and I the defender used just one character named Raff the Sweetling STR. 2 (who has no deadly). No cards giving bonuses were played so the attacker clearly wins.

Question: Since I the defender have to kill 2 characters 1 for losing the challenge and 1 for the deadly trait. Do I resolve the millitary claim first thus killing Raff the Sweetling and then deadly states to kill 1 participating character which I have none because I already killed him. Or do I resolve the deadly first?

deadly is a passive effect, Claim for winning the challenge occurs before passsives in challenge framework, so Raf being killed for claim would happen before the passive and there would no longer be a participating charcater aviliable to die for the deadly check in the passive stage. So, yes you can kill Raf for claim to 'avoid' deadly.

Lars said:

So, yes you can kill Raf for claim to 'avoid' deadly.

And you should do it, because you does not give your opponent one power for unopposed challange unless you want to kill someone without the militray icon. Then it depends on you. Sometimes it is a tough choice...