Road to Legend Rules question

By Saifur, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I got couple questions about few of the Road to Legend , thanks in advance to all who spend some time to help me out here.

1.When you place minions in the dungeons , there are 4 groups , A , B , C , D. You can choose only one of those groups to spawn , right ?

2. How exactly the instance levels work? Rulebook says each dungeon has 3 levels and the boss is on the 3 rd , but for example when i look at " Collapsed Columns" or " Alchemist lab" i see only one dungeon . DO heroes need to step in the green area and than they are considered as moved to the second level ( which is basically the same level ) and again i place monsters from the same group i placed before ? And than again the same setup for the 3 rd level ???

Or 3 levels are considered "Collapsed Columns " , than "Alchemist lab" and than "Dragon lair " and the heroes have to go all those 3 areas to complete the dungeon ?

5.If lieutenant survives dungeon / encounter , does he gets back his full health ? Or there is some mechanics how to heal him ? Cant find any info about this
3,Which cards exactly are the power cards ?

4. How exactly traveling works ? Is it one party move per week ? Let say heroes are in OLmric Hut secret master, they do their training and stuff , they want to go back. Bitter downs and Misty plains dungeons are completed , so do they go back all the way to Dawnsmoor or they have to stop at each dungeon icon on the map ?

5.As Overlord, you can get new lieutenants an any time as long as you have enough experience to buy them ( and they are allowed to be used according to your avatar and level of campaign ) ?

1.When you place minions in the dungeons , there are 4 groups , A , B , C , D. You can choose only one of those groups to spawn , right ?


2. How exactly the instance levels work? Rulebook says each dungeon has 3 levels and the boss is on the 3 rd , but for example when i look at " Collapsed Columns" or " Alchemist lab" i see only one dungeon . DO heroes need to step in the green area and than they are considered as moved to the second level ( which is basically the same level ) and again i place monsters from the same group i placed before ? And than again the same setup for the 3 rd level ???

Each time they travel to another level draw another dungeon card for that level.

5.If lieutenant survives dungeon / encounter , does he gets back his full health ? Or there is some mechanics how to heal him ? Cant find any info about this

Lieutenants start every encounter they're in fully healed. They can never enter a dungeon, so I'm not sure what you mean by that reference.

3,Which cards exactly are the power cards ?

I don't have the cards handy, but I believe they say Power on them? They're the ones with really high costs that get played at the start of your turn and stay in play.

4. How exactly traveling works ? Is it one party move per week ? Let say heroes are in OLmric Hut secret master, they do their training and stuff , they want to go back. Bitter downs and Misty plains dungeons are completed , so do they go back all the way to Dawnsmoor or they have to stop at each dungeon icon on the map ?

Travel is one trail per week until they get the Staff of the Wild, so you are correct.

5.As Overlord, you can get new lieutenants an any time as long as you have enough experience to buy them ( and they are allowed to be used according to your avatar and level of campaign ) ?

Yes, with the exception of the start of the game. Per the FAQ only avatar upgrade cards (no treachery or lieutenants) can be bought with your starting 15 xp.

Thanks but i still dont understand what do you mean by "draw another dungeon card for this level " .? You place the dungeon boss on the last level , which is 3 , right ? Than why in "Collapsed Columns " boss location is marked on the end of the instance puzzle piece which is actually the first level ???

Saifur said:

Thanks but i still dont understand what do you mean by "draw another dungeon card for this level " .? You place the dungeon boss on the last level , which is 3 , right ? Than why in "Collapsed Columns " boss location is marked on the end of the instance puzzle piece which is actually the first level ???

There is a boss (at least one boss) on every dungeon level. The boss(es) on the third level provide extra CT and gold by virtue of the fact they are the last, but there will always be a boss on each level who needs to be defeated before the heroes advance to the next level. You draw a new dungeon card for each level of the dungeon.

Ok thanks , i got it. Where do you refer to what kind of monsters to put on each level ? Or you put the same as the first level , described in the specific instance ( for example all of group " D" or " C " monsters appear on each level )

Each level gives A, B, C, and D choices. You can pick any of them on a pre-level basis. So you can go with A on level 1 and then C on level 2, then back to A on level 3 if you want.

Saifur said:

Ok thanks , i got it. Where do you refer to what kind of monsters to put on each level ? Or you put the same as the first level , described in the specific instance ( for example all of group " D" or " C " monsters appear on each level )

You pick a new category for each dungeon level, from the chart adjacent to that dungeon level in the "quest guide" portion at the back of the book. Note that option C will generally include monsters from Well of Darkness and option D will generally include monsters from Altar of Despair, so you may want to be careful about picking those if you don't have the appropriate expansion.