Crazy view ratings?

By Morffe, in Mansions of Madness

Is it just me or are the view ratings on this forum very high? I mean most threads have more than 500 views. what to make of it? I quess there is many that are real excited about the game Mansions of Madness as I am. And that's good.

you know what expansion I would like for the game? an antartica expedition (the Thing). but now I am just dreaming.

good gaming

I think myself and a great deal of others are lurking for news tidbits.

I have no experience with the game myself, but have been snooping around here for what other people are saying. I'm sure there are many more like me. I can't wait to try it, but want to know more about it before I pre-order.

Mal Reynolds said:

Is it just me or are the view ratings on this forum very high? I mean most threads have more than 500 views. what to make of it? I quess there is many that are real excited about the game Mansions of Madness as I am. And that's good.

you know what expansion I would like for the game? an antartica expedition (the Thing). but now I am just dreaming.

good gaming

I think MoM is FFG most anticipated Release ever.Mountains of Madness & Nameless City come to mind as possible Expansions.The Scale however would be off as they were both larger than a single Mansion.Still it could be done,actually I was thinking of converting Dungeon Quest into something like this as the scales more fitting.


oh yeah Mountain of Madness would fit right into my antartica theme dream. thanks for mentioning it. I will add it to my list of dreamy expansion. Weird to think about expansions before the game even is released. but than again... I like to dream.