About the armor damaged

By yakumoran, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Greeding :)

I have a question again.

I have see the RTL rulebook again. In the linger effect explain page about Frost, there is a note at the end of the sentence

"Like heros receive over 5 damages(before armor), the armor discarded." (I key this at school, just approximately recount.)

I don't remember there is a rule about up sentence like that. Who can tell me where the rule about the armor damaged and discard ?

Rules for Frost are in the Altar of Despair rulebook on page 8.

A weapon might break when you attack with it, a shield might break when you exhaust it, and your equipped armor might break when you receive 5 or more points of damage in a single attack. But it's only a chance; to see whether it actually breaks, you roll a number of black dice equal to the number of Frost tokens on you, and the item breaks if any of them roll a blank.

I think it's a pretty lame status effect, firstly because breaking equipment might leave the heroes without the quality of equipment a quest expects them to have at a given point, and secondly because it usually has no effect but occasionally has a huge effect.