Dark Relic

By Saifur, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello , i got question about ark relics. First - when you give any dark relic to hero , what happens with it when he discards it ( dies ) ? Is it returned to the already used overlord cards , is it removed from the game and cannot be used for this quest again or it can be used again whenever the overlord has enough threat to pay for it ?

Second - There is that card "Remove Curse " which can discard dark relic for 500 gold. SO the heroes can use it all the time as long as they have enough gold and it is returned to the town shop???

Last question - I gave dark relic " Glass armor " to Nanok of the blade who cannot by default use any armor. Am i allowed to give him this card since it is " armor " type of dark relic ?

One last thing - When you replace hero treasure cards , you always need to use dark relic that says " other " to replace " other " of the heroes items ? Or i can use for example " Boots of iron " and replace treasure card that is " rune " And if i have replaced hero weapon with dark relic , can he buy new weapon from town or he cannot hold weapon as long as he has dark relic card that is replacing his weapon ?

Hello , i got question about ark relics. First - when you give any dark relic to hero , what happens with it when he discards it ( dies ) ? Is it returned to the already used overlord cards , is it removed from the game and cannot be used for this quest again or it can be used again whenever the overlord has enough threat to pay for it ?

In general, unless a card says that it goes t the graveyard when discarded it gets put in the approriate discard pile or deck. This is true for Dark Relics.

Second - There is that card "Remove Curse " which can discard dark relic for 500 gold. SO the heroes can use it all the time as long as they have enough gold and it is returned to the town shop???

Yes. 500gp isn't cheap, but it severely devalues Dark Relic in the campaign.

Last question - I gave dark relic " Glass armor " to Nanok of the blade who cannot by default use any armor. Am i allowed to give him this card since it is " armor " type of dark relic ?

You can give it to him, but he can't equip it so he just drops it immediately.

One last thing - When you replace hero treasure cards , you always need to use dark relic that says " other " to replace " other " of the heroes items ? Or i can use for example " Boots of iron " and replace treasure card that is " rune " And if i have replaced hero weapon with dark relic , can he buy new weapon from town or he cannot hold weapon as long as he has dark relic card that is replacing his weapon ?

There is no need to match treasure types when giving Dark Relics. A hero with a dark relic ring equipped can buy a new weapon but he can't equip it until the dark relic is gone.