World of Warcraft - Board Game

By player1648668, in Legacy Game Discussion

Does anyone have a backup of the world of warcraft page?

I'm pondering buying it and it's expansions, last month I was checking it's page and today it's nowhere to be seen, this can only mean that support for this game has ended and that means no future expansions right?

I just realized that the license with blizzard has ended but I’ve heard good things about this game and was really interested on the pdf rules to get a glimpse of it because it seems no one did a backup of the website.

Thank you, from what I see Shadow's of War adds a load of cards but it seems a weak expansion when compared to the burning crusade but I'd like to hear your opinions!

Also it's a shame that another expansion was planned and canceled I think that without northrend it's just not complete but I don't have the game so I may be wrong and the game is just fine without it.

I can not find any information about World of Warcraft: The Board Game, what happened? There is no general info in the directory. There is no specific topic on the forum.

Like I said before:

Irxson said:

I just realized that the license with blizzard has ended but I’ve heard good things about this game and was really interested on the pdf rules to get a glimpse of it because it seems no one did a backup of the website.

It seems that it is discontinued and out of stock so they decided to end the site.

Irxson said:

Thank you, from what I see Shadow's of War adds a load of cards but it seems a weak expansion when compared to the burning crusade but I'd like to hear your opinions!

Also it's a shame that another expansion was planned and canceled I think that without northrend it's just not complete but I don't have the game so I may be wrong and the game is just fine without it.

Maybe it's a little late =p

Anyway, I wanted to answer your question...

If you are going to get WoW Boardgame, you must get the 2 Expansions... YOU MUST, without them the game gets boring really fast. Both expansions are awesome, Shadow of War adds a TON of new things, it's really a great expansion! Burning crusade adds dungeons and the Outlands, and changes the game a little. The core game is awesome for the first few games... but in the end, it feels allways the same. If you can only get 1 Expansion, get Shadow of War IMO, because it's the core game but 10x better.

Oh, and btw, WoW boardgame is awesome overall ^_^

I hope this answers your question:

Indeed... I come back a couple month TOO LATE!!

I was quite active on these boards -- but only at the World of Warcraft: the Board Game forums. So sad to see the page gone (am still looking!) coz I've had a thread on the projects I was working on -- one of them being a re-work of the original game box to fit ALL (and I mean ALL) the cards from ALL expansions and the core game itself. Well I have succeeded! But am still putting the finishing touches and re-measuring my finished work so that I can release proper schematics so that everyone can make their own Game Master box and Character boxes.

The other thread was about my painted figures... although I have these on my DeviantArt page at

I wish you luck with your venture... I wouldn't mind getting a second copy of every set myself (you know... just in case)! This is a hell of a cool game!

My third project will be to formulate RPG rules and play the game as an RPG. This is for my students (I'm a teacher) to learn and practice their English and reasoning skills :)

OK... this sucks bottoms... cheers for FFG for saying "Thanks to all ye Players" and then DELETING our posts n' all. Oh yeah. That was a REAL BIG THANK YOU!!!

But OK... this allows us to start fresh. Now where are all my friends of yore XD ?

When I get around to it, I'll be re-posting my threads. Good thing I had my own 'back-ups' at BoardGameGeek and DeviantArt. Whew. Just need to repost those pics and copy+paste text. Wow... I'm gonna be famous again.

I still haven't bought the game, I don't have the money for it right now. I can find Shadows of War pretty cheap or just cheap, but the base game isn't and the few copies I found were expensive mostly due to shipping(europe). The Cheapest one I found was around 80€ with 7€ shipping and it's the last copy I'm afraid I might miss i by not buying it soon enought. As for Burning Crusade... It's **** hard to find a cheap copy, most cost more than 70€...

Theanimaster, I'm really interested in your threads about the game and I did want to get a look on your ideas for the game.

if you can get a copy of the game get one asap. its actually quite good.

games go long. expect 4-6 hours easy.

I must contradict quite a few people on this discussion, my apologies for that.

First, even without expansions, this game is really good. While it maybe lacks stuff in the eyes of somebody who is used to playing with the expansion(s), I never got my hands on them, so I only know vanilla. The game has a 100% replayability value.

Second, a game does not take that long. Granted, I do only 2-player games, and both me and my fixed adversary have become quite skilled in this game, so we don't have any of those awkward moments where you seem to wait an eternity before it's your turn again. A game takes between 2 and 4 hours, but most of the time we kill the big boss around the third hour.

There is one big flaw in this game, though, and that's PvP combat. It's tedious and boring, and the only thing you get from it is a stupid item, maybe some xp and gold if there's a "Bounty" or "Old hatreds" event in play. And to be honest, ending the game with a PvP battle feels truly as a hollow victory, 'cause you know that the big boss is still roaming the countryside. It's a boss-kill, or nothing :P

As an endnote, I must say this : It's a true shame that this game has been discontinued by every party involved. It rules in a way like Warcraft II ruled the pc-game community back then :)

I had already forgotten this game but i found it again after geting boared from the pc-game. Ofc i needed to buy all the expansions and i would love to buy more of them if i could find more. :)