
By vibliribland, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi, I just got Descent and have played it two times with my friends.

Great game, a lot of fun and a lot of feeling.

My question now is:

If Im going to buy maybe two expansions, which ones should I buy?

It's not the money issue or anything that prevents me from getting them all, I just don't want to dedicate a whole room just to store the Descent boxes =), and it takes enough time as it is to play one round, I don't feel that we need more rules and more events to take into consideration.

Which two expansions contribute the most to the descent experience? My first impression from playing the frist Quest twice is that the OL is very underpowered, and it's very hard to win as the OL.


WoD expansion may be the best one the buy first and then is AoD expansion

Just I thought lol

Ok, thx!

Can you elaborate on what makes these two the obvious choice?


Wouldn't say there's any really obvious choice. Bit more info for you here

My personal choice would be WoD then ToI (but AoD then ToI would be a close second)

vibliribland said:

Which two expansions contribute the most to the descent experience? My first impression from playing the frist Quest twice is that the OL is very underpowered, and it's very hard to win as the OL.

Play more of the base quests before you stick with that impression. The first two quests are easy for the heroes, ostensibly to help people learn the game. Things start to ramp up later. I'd even go as far as to say play all the base quests before you dig into any expansions, if you can bear to wait that long.

If, having played some of the later quests (in the 5-7 range particularly) you still feel the OL is too weak, then either Well of Darkness or Altar of Despair are the ones you want. They have much harder quests and add a whole host of new OL options to keep things jumping. I personally would recommend Well of Darkness. They're both good, don't get me wrong, but AoD has a few things that are just silly hard. Dark Relics and corrupted glyphs, in particular. Sure they make things harder, but in a way that seems somewhat unfair to me, personally. AoD also has Tahlia, who's a great hero to have, but sometimes I think her real hero ability is generating rules questions to befuddle the OL. =P

If you find yourself thinking the OL is maybe not as weak as he first appeared with just the base game, then Tomb of Ice provides a number of new options to beef up the heroes.

Road to Legend and Sea of Blood both present you with a longer, multi-session campaign game. Of the two I think Road to Legend is the better (at least based on things I've heard people saying about SoB) but they do change the game quite dramatically. I'd recommend getting good and comfortable with the regular "vanilla" game first (which can include the other three expansions mentioned above, btw) before you dig into either of these.

I think your approach of buying slowly and not getting too carried away with "needing to own everything" is probably a very good approach to this game. Good luck! =)