It's still cold outside, but UFS play is heating up as players get in gear for the set rotation. Regionals are kicking off with a bang, but if you are not near them there are plenty of opportunities to find a tournament. FFG provides plenty of opportunity with these free Organized Play programs. For information on signing up for these tournaments through FFG's organized play website please read this article.
Standard Events
The toast and jam of organized, standard events are held each month, and are the perfect place to perfect your deck. Meet up with your friends, and battle it out for promo cards . A scout can host five standard tournaments a month. For each event, six cards from the UFS promo prize pool will randomly be used for prizes. This month the deadly beautiful Zi Mei and the tricky Heel Snipe will be in the standard prize pool for the first time.
Legacy Events
This is a chance for you to dust off your old cards, battle it out with some old friends and win some new cards. Scouts can host two of these a month. These tournaments are the same as standard tournaments, except that all unbanned cards are legal in this format. Six cards that have rotated out of the standard promo pool are used as prizes for these tournaments.
Path of the Master: Void Event
This event is the last event in the Path of the Master: Battle for the Thirteen Seals program. Each month for the past year there has been a tournament for the resource of the month's patch. These patch acts as a special invitation to an amazing weekend of UFS action that will take place at the FFG Headquarters here in Minneapolis April 17-19th!
This month, the resource of the month is Void! Decks must be constructed with every card sharing the Void resource symbol. First and second place players will receive patches for winning and scouts will receive a patch for running the tournaments. The newest cards entering the promo pool will also be available as prizes. Current Block Only!
League kits are available through distributors and one can be ordered anytime a store orders a display box of UFS products.
League kits cover eight players for a six week period. Each week, one of the six packs of participation cards are chosen by the scout to be that week’s participation card and a copy is given to each player. Extra copies go to that league night’s champion. After six weeks, any player who has attended all six weeks will receive a special six week participation card. At the the end of the sixth week’s tournament, a League Champion will be chosen and will receive the pack of league champ cards. Scouts take a single copy of each card as a reward for running the league. Every 3 months FFG will release a new league kit with all new foiled cards available only through this program.
Each league kit contains:
6 packs of foiled common or uncommon cards (9 copies of a card per pack) for participation
1 pack of a foiled common or uncommon card (9 copies of the card in a pack) for six week participation
1 pack of a foiled common or uncommon card (5 copies of the card in a pack) for the league champ