I have a question about Placing Terrain during Travelling. I apologize for my english if it's not clear.
Case 1:
1)During the Event Phase, while I was "resolving gene stealer activation" from the Event Card I just drew for this phase, my blip file (left side)went zero while I was "activating" gene stealers, meaning I was pulling cards from that pile as indicated on the event card . Following the rules on, page 23, which says " Travelling automatically occurs whenever there are 0 cards in any blip file at the end of any phase.". My question is:
Question 1 : Do I continue to finish the Event Phase before travelling ? In this case, I was about to "Move the Genestealers" as indicated on the event card? Or do I interrupt the phase, proceed with the Travelling rule, then go back to the event card and then move the Genestealers?
Case 2:
During Travelling, the rule states on page 26 that I discard all terrain cards and then place new cards as shown on the new current location. My question is:
Question 2: Do I need to activate genestealers for these new terrain cards I am placing? Do I use the "gene stealer activation" as shown on the Event card (the colored bars at bottom of card with triangles) that I just drew during the Event Phase?
I am just thinking that if I activate new gene stealers on these new terrain cards, that would mean adding more gene stealers on top of the existing gene stealers already bearing down on the Space Marines...almost like being overrun.
I apologize if I am not too clear with my question. I picked up this game two days ago as a substitute for my Space Hulk (2nd Edition) Boardgame that I have not even opened since purchasing it back in 1998(?). When I read that the miniatures were not painted, I decided to just store the new board game.
Thank you.