Clansmen Trait

By DragonWhimsy, in Battles of Westeros

I know I'm missing something really obvious but I can't for the life of me figure out where the info for the clansmen trait is. I'd also swear I saw the answer to that on the fourms here somewhere too but I can't seem to find that now either.

Just where is the clansmen trait from WotW defined?

It's rather elusive here's the answer from my BGG post on the same Topic

Scenario #12 is the only place it's mentioned.It just makes all the Lannister Cavalry Units Clansmen for that Scenario.

Check out Tyrions Command Cards they give Clansmen special abilities.
I guess it represents the Hill Men he recruited in the Book but
its too bad we didn't get a unique unit the Lannister Cav.figs really
don't fit the image."

Note this just appears on Tyrion's Command Card# 1


Ok thanks. I swear I looked there but I guess I must have just glanced really quickly.

Glad they didn't provide miniatures. Now we get a whole expansion with them. ;)