Well, I spent most of my free time working on my battlelore board the last couple weeks…but I did take a break to paint a few figures every now and then. I got lazy and decided to work on some of the BIG figures. I haven’t hit the Dragons yet (not sure what to do with those poorly placed banners) but, I did get my ccrreeaattuurreess finished, along with any lairs I needed.
If anyone wants to trade my spare (unpainted) Hill Giant for their spider from the core set, let me know (I need a Blue Widow).
The Creature Feature…
This dramatic stone pile was made from rocks in my driveway.
The summoning circle was made out of clay.
The Vortex is just painted…pretty lame, but I couldn’t come up with a more “dramatic”, yet practical, alternative.
Finally, the biggest challenge was the Forest Giants Lair. That big tree in the back is attached to the base (you know…cause it’s a forest!), and the rest was built out of…wait for it…popsicles sticks dyed green.