New to the game with some questions.

By Acatha2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello fellow Descent players. My gaming group picked up the game and I elected to become the Overlord our first time through SoB. Im still kinda new so Im probably not playing certain cards or certain things when I should be but we are to have fun, and fun we are having. We still have some questions that I couldnt find answers on here and was hoping you guys could help us out.

The players seem to have a huge advantage in the dungeons. The first level they cleaned house without any deaths (which is ok) but second level I manage to get a dungeon that took alittle longer due to the design and was able to kill 3 of them but they did finish it. As the 3rd level was a joke and the mobs that came with the map and I was able to get spawned from my Overlord deck was cleaned through with ease. Ive seen refrence on these boards about the 2nd and 3rd levels are suppose to be harder but didnt see anything in the rules about them being so, just a random dungeon card. I might have missed them any help on Killing my fellow players but still having fun could be helpful.

The 2nd and later levels are harder because the Overlord has more threat to play with, not because of any rules.

Have you played the base game any?

Acatha said:

Ive seen refrence on these boards about the 2nd and 3rd levels are suppose to be harder but didnt see anything in the rules about them being so, just a random dungeon card. I might have missed them any help on Killing my fellow players but still having fun could be helpful.

Are you sure the threads you were reading pertained to the Advanced Campaign game and not the base quests?

Common wisdom has it that the first couple of quests in the base game are easy, so new players can get the hang of the game, but they get more difficult after that. I haven't heard the same thing said about dungeon levels in the advanced campaign. Those are drawn randomly, as you pointed out. Some of them are hard and some of them aren't, but that doesn't depend on when they get drawn in a dungeon sequence. In fact, if your hero group made it through all three while keeping the CT score about even, I'd say all three of the ones you drew were relatively easy, considering the heroes are probably still using town items.

If this is the very first time you've ever played Descent, you're probably missing or passing on opportunities you should be taking as OL to crush the heroes. Good news for the having fun angle (always important) but not so great if you were hoping to win. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm just saying don't be surprised if the heroes seem to be winning until you get the hang of the OL cards. And if you WANT to be a right bastard, don't hold anything back. If you see a chance to hurt someone, take it. >=)

Thanks for the info:) The first dungeon I did miss a few things and all 5 of us are new to the game. Currently I am ahead in points only by a few but we are having fun so thats the main bonus. The second dungeon I was able to lay the smack down cause they were not watching there rear flank and I was able to spawn some beastmen and rip there wizard apart (with much glee) + the demon as the boss killed 2 players also. I am trying to get to know the cards im using in OL deck. Ive probably passed a few for threat when I should have used them instead but its a learning process.

Any suggestions on cards to keep and throw, which I understand some are situational.