Thinking of playing again and have a question

By Jivewookiee, in A Game of Thrones LCG


I have 3X Core set and 3X the first cycle. I played the game a bit and did some deck construction. Then a massive failing (in my mind) of the game came to light.

Unless everyone plays Valar Morghulis or Wildfire Assault to keep down character numbers, military duels become insignificant. If you have 10 characters and have to kill one or two of YOUR choice, is it really a big issue?

So does everyone play VM or WA and tend to play at around 3 characters or is there something Im missing. And if its a 3+player game there will be sooo many VM and WA's being played characters will die non stop.

Thanks for any feedback,


Jivewookiee said:


I have 3X Core set and 3X the first cycle. I played the game a bit and did some deck construction. Then a massive failing (in my mind) of the game came to light.

Unless everyone plays Valar Morghulis or Wildfire Assault to keep down character numbers, military duels become insignificant. If you have 10 characters and have to kill one or two of YOUR choice, is it really a big issue?

So does everyone play VM or WA and tend to play at around 3 characters or is there something Im missing. And if its a 3+player game there will be sooo many VM and WA's being played characters will die non stop.

They are played quite a bit but I've seen plenty of decks run without them too.

If you've got 10 characters out why should military claim be an issue for you? A person that can manage that has likely built their deck around getting low cost claim soak characters out, so they've sacrificed some in strength in order to have greater numbers. Seems like a valid trade off to me.

In multiplayer yes the Valar/WF can fly fast and furious but many times they don't too. I play 3 and 4 player mostly and it isn't uncommon to only see 1 or 2 valar a game. Sometimes it is more, sometimes as in our last 4 player it is none.

In game of thrones, your characters will die. No avoiding that fact but there are lots of ways to minimize it.

Ontop of the fact that you're forgetting all the other capabilities of the houses, burn for targ, flogged and chained for Lannister, Stealth, and the like. Don't let 12 personalities stare at you from across the table and intimidate you, because I've seen a claim 6 military challenge win, then that person get hit with a claim 6 intrigue and a claim 6 power.

There are ways to remove your opponents characters without military challenge claims.

Stark Siege makes military challenges always worthwhile :P

You rarely see 10 characters out in play in a joust game unless both players are new.

In competitive play, you will see 95% of players run a kill plot.

sounds like a great game , i'm tempted .

GrandInquisitorKris said:

sounds like a great game , i'm tempted .

It *is* a great game and you should absolutely check it out. Have a look in the Metagame section and see if there's players in your area. I'm sure they'd be happy to show you the game. Where are you based?