Rev. 4th Edition -vs.- 2nd Ed.

By Kevinjt4, in Talisman

I have 2nd Ed. Talisman with a few expansions. Is it totally worth forking over $75 for this 4th edition/Reaper?

I've read a fair amount of threads here and could possibly see getting this, but am not really sold on buying an upgrade/tweaked edition of an already solid version in the 2nd Ed. I all ready have.

If you have to ask that question, then perhapse it is not worth it.....but....

How worn out is your second edition? pieces missing?

You have a few expansions but not all. Rev4 will probably come out with all the same expansions again does that interest you?

Do you play a lot of talisman? couple times a month or couple times a year?

Can you go with skipping the purchase of a few video games for a talisman board?

Do you have only $100 bucks in your bank? or thousands?

Did you see the re-release of Starwars a New Hope in the theater, even though you have seen the movie over a hundred times?

Are you a collector?

The question you asked about purchasing REV4 is one only you can answer.

I for one, Own 3rd edition, and the Black Industries 4th edition. I purchased the FFG REV4 as well.

but thats just me. I am not you. happy.gif

What made me get the 4th ed is the better artwork (IMO) and beautiful board (much bigger!), small tweaks to balance the game some, and the plastic models. I know others actually don't like these things, but that was my rationale. I almost bought the BI ed but saw it still had standies so I passed that one by.

If you're happy with 2nd Ed and don't think it's too unbalanced, and don't play it frequently enough to wear it out (if it's not worn out already), then there's little to gain in 4th Ed. Hallowknight's questions are all valid things to consider before purchasing.

Yeah, I guess I am the only one who can answer that. My 2nd edition is in fairly good shape; dont play it too often unfortunately. Expansions are solid, and would still like to pick up Dungeon.

BTW, I am a collector as I collect Silver Age comics, buy my video games used , thus I probably shouldn't fork over money now for a game I pretty much already have (at least not until FFG release either remakes the 2nd Ed. expansions, especially the secondary add-on boards or similar.)

I would hold off until we can see what is to come in store. Definetly the 2nd Edition is better with all the expansions (as you mentioned, and not forgetting the whopping 64 characters to 18) than the current version, but I think HallowKnights questions are valid.

You could buy the upgrade pack and use for the second edition board if you are budget concious.

RiCHiE said:

I would hold off until we can see what is to come in store.

Only problem with that is stuff might go out of print and you have to pay collector's prices. Just look at the promo cards, you can't even buy them on ebay they are so rare.

If you are happy with 2nd edition, and still question whether 4th is worth it to you, then you might be better off with what you have. You can also visit to see what others have said and done with the 2nd and 3rd edition. An excellent site for those of us who think that (for all its continued flaws) 2nd edition got it right for the most part. Wait and see what comes for 4th, and maybe that will change your mind. It's too soon to tell what direction FFG will go with this new edition.

Carrion Prince said:

RiCHiE said:

I would hold off until we can see what is to come in store.

Only problem with that is stuff might go out of print and you have to pay collector's prices. Just look at the promo cards, you can't even buy them on ebay they are so rare.

You can't even get them when you pre-order!

I wouldn't waste my time or factor promo cards into consideration when buying 4th, it has been one cock-up after another.

Promo cards are so cheesy.. the kind of thing I would expect in Magic or CCG's but not for Talismanites! What's next? Buying card packs? Urgh!