Spoiler thread

By arachnidshadow9, in Cosmic Encounter

For those of us who don't already have conflict would someone who does be kind enough to provide us with info on the new aliens?

You have the power to Reinforce. As an ally, after encounters are selected but before they are revealed, you may use this power to play an attack or negotiate facedown from your hand off to one side. This second card is not considered your side's encounter card and isn't affected by game effects that target your side's encounter card, such as Oracle or Sorcerer. If you reveal your card to be an attack, add it to your side's total. This has no effect if your side's encounter card is a negotiate. If you reveal a negotiate and your side loses the encounter, you receive compensation after your side's main player has received compensation, if applicable. In any case, your card is discarded after use.

You have the power to Change Form. As a main player, after the defense has been determined but before allies are invited, use this power. Either draw a card from the deck and add it to your hand or swap alien sheets with your opponent. This power may be used only once per encounter. When swapping alien sheets, you get all facets of that power; e.g. the Miser's hoard, the Warriors points, the Claw's claw etc.

You have the power of Harmony. as a main player, after either main player reveals a negotiate and the other main player reveals an attack, you may use this power to change the revealed attack card into a negotiate. You and the other main player then attempt to make a deal.

You have the power to Reek. Any time any of your ships are coexisting on the same planet as any other player's ships, use this power to force the other player's ships to return to his or her other colonies.

Your allies in a winning offensive encounter do not land on the defending planet with you. However, they each still gain a colony on any other planet of their choice (each player chooses separately) in the defending system.

When you lose an encounter as the defense on a planet where you have ships, use this power to force all opposing ships to return to their other colonies instead of landing on your planet. Your losing ships go to the warp normally and the planet is then "fumigated".

When you agree to trade colonies in a deal, you and that other player must each vacate a planet for the other player to land on.

You have the power to Gorge. Whenever you retrieve ships from the warp, use this power to retrieve up to two extra ships of yours from the warp.

Whenever you draw one or more cards from the deck (including when you are dealt your initial hand) or from another player's hand, use this power to draw two extra cards from the same source.

You have the power of Gravity. As a main player, after encounter cards are selected but before they're revealed, you may use this power and say either "tens" or "ones". If yo do so, any attack cards revealed in the encounter only use that digit as their value. For instance, if you said "tens", an attack 40 would become an attack 4 and an attack 09 would become an attack 0, but if you said "ones", those same cards would become an attack 0 and an attack 9.

You have the power to Build. As a main player, after you lose an encounter in which you have revealed an attack card, your opponent must either allow you to win the encounter instead of losing, or else allow you to pace your attack card faceup on this sheet, adding it to your "stack". Your stack is not part of your hand and cannot be drawn from by other players or affected by other powers.

As a main player, after you reveal an attack card, use this power to either add or subtract the total of all the faceup attack cards in your stack from your side's total. For instance, if you have an attack 08 and an attack 12 on this sheet, you would add or subtract 20 from your side's total.

Game Setup: Shuffle the three "Invasion!" destiny cards into the destiny deck. These destiny cards allow you to have an extra encounter when drawn during another player's turn. After you have an extra encounter due to an "Invasion!" destiny card, the player who drew it during his or her turn receives another encounter.

You have the power of Invasion. As a main player, after an "Invasion!" destiny card or destiny card of your player color is drawn, you may use this power to discard your entire hand and draw a new hand of eight cards before having your extra encounter. Only use this power once per encounter.

You have the power of Insanity. As a main player, after allies are invited, you may use this power to ally against yourself without being invited. Your ships on the losing side are sent to the warp as normal, while your ships on the winning side receive whatever they would normally receive for winning, such as defender rewards or a colony on the defending planet.

You have the power to Imitate. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, use this power. If your opponent has more cards in hand than you, draw cards from the deck until you have just as many cards in your hand. If your opponent has fewer cards in hand than you, discard cards of your choice until you have just as few cards in your hand.

You have the power to Predict. If you are not involved as a main player or ally in an encounter, you may use this power before encounter cards are selected to predict aloud which main player (offense or defense) will win. A deal counts as a win. If you are correct, you gain a colony on any one planet of your choice. If you are not correct, the winner selects any two of your ships and sends them to the warp.

You have the power to Awaken. Any time another player draws a new hand of cards (after their initial hand) use this power to immediately gain a free foreign colony on their home system on a planet of your choice.

Any time you draw a new hand of cards (after your initial hand) use this power to retrieve all of your ships from the warp, returning them to your colonies.

Game Setup: Take one trap token and two decoy tokens per player (including yourself). Place these tokens face down next to any planets of your choice. Place no more than one token next to a given planet.

You have the power to Booby Trap. Any time ships land on a planet with one of your tokens next to it, use this power to reveal the token. If the revealed token is a decoy, return the token to this sheet. If the token is a trap, send all ships on the planet (including those that just landed) to the warp and then return the token to this sheet.

At the start of each encounter, you may either swap any two of your tokens (whether next to a planet or on this sheet) or take a token on this sheet and place it facedown next to any planet that doesn't already have one of your tokens next to it.

You have the power to Inflict Pain. At the start of any player's regroup phase, before the offense retrieves a ship from the warp, use this power to win the game if all other players have lost at least eight ships. Lost ships include ships in the warp, ships removed from the game, and ships captured by other players.

You may still win the game via the normal manner.

Restriction: Do not use with Zombie or Healer.

You have the power to Lure. Any time a player in whose home system you have a colony is chosen as the defense, you may use this power to aim the hyperspace gate at one of your home planets on which you have a colony (your choice which) and become the defense instead. The encounter then continues normally.

Any time you win an encounter as the defense, you immediately gain a free foreign colony in the offense's home system on a planet of your choice.

Game Setup: Choose one non-negotiate card from your starting hand to be your "claw" and place it face down on this sheet; then draw a card from the deck.

You have the power of The Claw. Your claw is not considered part of your hand. Other players may not look at or draw it. At the start of any regroup phase, you may swap a card from your hand with your claw.

Once per encounter, when another player plays a copy of the card you have chosen as your claw, use this power and reveal your claw. After the end of the current encounter, choose a planet in that player's home system and move it to your home system, sending any ships on it to the warp and making it a new home planet for yourself (although you do not get to establish a colony on it). Then, return your claw card to your hand and choose a card from your hand to become your new claw.

Each stolen planet in your home system counts as a foreign colony towards your win, even if inhabited by other players. If you gain a colony on a stolen planet in your home system, that colony counts as a home colony for you, not a foreign colony.

You have the power of Possibilities. As a main player, after alliances are formed, you may use this power to manipulate probability instead of having a normal encounter. If you do so, take a cosmic token and conceal it secretly in one of your hands. The other main player then chooses one of your closed fists. You then open both of your fists, revealing which hand held the token. If your opponent chose the hand containing the token, you lose the encounter. If he or she chose your empty hand, you win the encounter. In either case, the resolution phase is then carried out as normal.

You have the power of Perception. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may use this power to specify an encounter card that your opponent must play (for instance: "You will play an attack 06"). If your opponent does not have such a card, he or she may play any encounter card he or she wishes. If your opponent dos have the card, however, he or she must play it unless prevented by another player.

You have the power to Attack. As a main player, when your opponent reveals a negotiate card, use this power to change it into an attack 00.

As a main player, when you reveal a negotiate card, use this power to change it into a morph card.

As a main player, if both you and your opponent reveal negotiate cards, use this power to change both negotiates into attack 00 cards.

You have the power of Welcoming. As a main player, after both main players reveal attack cards, use this power to add or subtract 3 from your side's total for each foreign colony in your home system.

You do not lose your power because of having too few home colonies.

You're the best. Like no one ever was.

Much appreciated. Waiting on our group's copy...