Couples of questions SoB

By Yerazald, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My friends and I have been trought 2 complete campain of Sea of blood and we now archive all our unanswered question while playing our 3 third game.

A) Unmovable + waepon that give stun token. The weapon actualy give the stun ability to attack but it can give stun token as well. Is the monster with unmovable immune to stun token too?

B) How can we get out of a cage beside rolling a surge at the end of the hero turn? Can fly or knockback work since they ignore obstacles?

C) With the different marks (Skills) The hero can wound himself for different effect. Actually, can he bleed himself to death and success his attack? Can he take more wound than he is able to?

D) When the overlord has reached his maximum number of power card in play, can he replace one with another he play?

More question will come as we continue playing. Thanks for answering.

Yerazald said:

A) Unmovable + waepon that give stun token. The weapon actualy give the stun ability to attack but it can give stun token as well. Is the monster with unmovable immune to stun token too?

The weapon does not provide "the Stun ability AND Stun tokens." The weapon provides the Stun ability, and the Stun ability puts Stun tokens on the target. The Unstoppable ability makes the figure immune to Stun, among other things. Being immune to the Stun ability means the figure does not receive Stun tokens, period.

Yerazald said:

B) How can we get out of a cage beside rolling a surge at the end of the hero turn? Can fly or knockback work since they ignore obstacles?

Not sure about this one.

Yerazald said:

C) With the different marks (Skills) The hero can wound himself for different effect. Actually, can he bleed himself to death and success his attack? Can he take more wound than he is able to?

Costs must generally be paid before the associated abilities take effect. If the cost removes the hero's last wound, he dies immediately and whatever he was doing is interrupted. So yes, the hero can bleed himself to death if he wants, but it will prevent him from successfully attacking or doing whatever he was bleeding himself to do, so it's not generally wise.

Yerazald said:

D) When the overlord has reached his maximum number of power card in play, can he replace one with another he play?

The official rules are somewhat vague on this, I think. Generally I think most people allow the OL to play one more Power card than he's allowed, but then he must immediately choose one to discard before continuing. If you wanted to take the position that once he's capped for a dungeon he can't play any more that's also reasonable, however. It just means the OL will need to think ahead a bit more.

Another one, The city Orris. Everytime the heroes enter or passes through that city, the overlord gain one conquest. Is that available when the heroes restock at Orris as a homeport while in the dungeon? Return to homeport Orris when they finish a dungeon? Train when they already are in Orris?

Yerazald said:

Another one, The city Orris. Everytime the heroes enter or passes through that city, the overlord gain one conquest. Is that available when the heroes restock at Orris as a homeport while in the dungeon? Return to homeport Orris when they finish a dungeon? Train when they already are in Orris?

Q: Cities of Dallak and Orris: If the heroes return to these cities via fleeing from a dungeon through glyphs or the portal at the end of the dungeon, does this count as "entering" for the purposes of those cities abilities?
A: No.

Regarding the cage, there currently is no other way to exit. Flying does not work because the cage is not officially an obstacle. Knockback doesn't work because knockbacked figures "do not move through" the spaces they pass 'over', but the spaces they started and ended in do affect them (although a strong argument might be made for allowing knockback over a cage without entering or exiting it). If they started in the cage, then the cage rules apply. If they want to end in the cage then the cage rules apply. Therefore they can't enter of leave the cage.

Thanks for the answers!