My friends and I have been trought 2 complete campain of Sea of blood and we now archive all our unanswered question while playing our 3 third game.
A) Unmovable + waepon that give stun token. The weapon actualy give the stun ability to attack but it can give stun token as well. Is the monster with unmovable immune to stun token too?
B) How can we get out of a cage beside rolling a surge at the end of the hero turn? Can fly or knockback work since they ignore obstacles?
C) With the different marks (Skills) The hero can wound himself for different effect. Actually, can he bleed himself to death and success his attack? Can he take more wound than he is able to?
D) When the overlord has reached his maximum number of power card in play, can he replace one with another he play?
More question will come as we continue playing. Thanks for answering.