Number of monster in a 2-3-4 heroes game

By krusty789, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi everybody, I played 8 games of descent at 2-3 or 4 heroes, as a overlord or player. I saw that a 2 heroes game is really hardcore for 1 fact: the monsters number remain the same. Its easier at 4 because heroes can kill more monsters in a turn than 2 heroes (even if you plays with overlord 5 players cards).

Is there a rule or house rule i forgot to make the game easier for the players?

In the WoD expension, we sould add new overlord card in the deck(maybe 3-4) but by doing this, it takes 1-2 more turn to reshuffle the empty deck, so 1-2 more turnfor the players to loose 3 tokens). Do the overlord deck has a maximum cards at start of the game?

Thank you for helping me

The typical response to "how do I play with 2 heroes?" is: DON'T! The game just doesn't balance that well with only 2 heroes.

There are two rules that do help out the smaller party somewhat (though not enough): first, you use different stat cards for the monsters based on the number of heroes in the game (monsters lose 1 wound for each hero removed); and second, the threat tokens the overlord gains each turn (but not the cards he draws) are equal to the number of heroes.

The game is still much harder for smaller parties, though, and mostly gets worse as you add expansions. Most people never play with 2 heroes, or only do it as a special challenge on the easier quests; just give multiple heroes to a single player. Many people will tell you never to play with 3 heroes either, especially in expansion quests.

If you want another option, my homebrew variant, The Enduring Evil , is designed to address player scaling issues (and several other pereceived problems). There's a link in my signature, and some discussion in the homebrew forum.

Ok thank you for you both for the advice.