Newbie Question15:empty spaces(solved)

By pusapapa, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

We know the rule about movement that hero&monster must end their movement in an empty space.The empty space means an square map pile that nothing on it (such as money pile marker?staircase token,etc) ?

pusapapa said:

We know the rule about movement that hero&monster must end their movement in an empty space.The empty space means an square map pile that nothing on it (such as money pile marker?staircase token,etc) ?

It is very badly written, but the apparent intent there is the space must be empty of figures . That is the context of that rule and there is plenty of evidence elsewhere that heroes and/or monsters can end their turns on all sorts of non-empty spaces that do not include figures.
- most encounter markers do something when a figure ends it's turn on the encounter marker
- pit traps will often cause a figure to end it's turn in a pit space because it has no capability left to exit the pit space
- figures who do not move off damaging effects (such as lava, an obstacle) suffer the effects at the end of their turn as though they have moved on - clearly they are ending their turn in a space with a lava prop, and did so the previous turn too!
- the effect of the ice obstacle is to make a figure end its turn there (if it roles a surge on a power dice) - so clearly it can;t be illegal for a figure to end its turn there!

In summary, only figures count for that particular rule, although flyers and acrobats also have a special rule that prevents them from ending their movement in spaces that normally prevent entry.

Pusapapa , where are you from? Which is your native language?

gran_orco said:

Pusapapa , where are you from? Which is your native language?

I am a china.I knew my english was poor.But I like the game.So the rules make me more difficult to understand

My english is not well,but I played some computer game such as Diablo?wow?magicka,etc.So it became easy tha I read game rules even it's in english.But if the rules translated in china,if player is a boy/girl haven't expensive for RPG game,I must read it carefully.I think it is not clear for some player,if orderly read the rulebook.After I skimed whole rulebook,I found there are so many question when actully play the game.Then,I decide that I must draw a chart for some important points like the list shown on Pg16 of rulebook.

I think it's better clear that someone can drawn a chart for some important points like the simply sheet in below

when OL spawn monster

space that monster may be spawned:

the space containing treasure token(potion?chest?money pile?relic)

the space containing encounter token

space that monster may not be spawned:


pusapapa said:

when OL spawn monster

space that monster may be spawned:

the space containing treasure token(potion?chest?money pile?relic)

the space containing encounter token

space that monster may not be spawned:


Monsters must be spawned in spaces that are actually empty (IIRC) and are not in line of sight of any hero. That means devoid of any tokens or terrain (exception: I think Corrupted Terrain is okay for spawning, by explicit FAQage/GLOAQage.)

However, I do agree with Corbon's statement concerning ending movement - although the book says "empty space" they really meant "empty of figures."

Steve-O said:

pusapapa said:

when OL spawn monster

space that monster may be spawned:

the space containing treasure token(potion?chest?money pile?relic)

the space containing encounter token

space that monster may not be spawned:


Monsters must be spawned in spaces that are actually empty (IIRC) and are not in line of sight of any hero. That means devoid of any tokens or terrain (exception: I think Corrupted Terrain is okay for spawning, by explicit FAQage/GLOAQage.)

However, I do agree with Corbon's statement concerning ending movement - although the book says "empty space" they really meant "empty of figures."

I only have the DescentJITD,so I organized the rule myself.I treat the space none token on is empty space.I think hero&monster safely end their movement on the space containing potion?chest?encounter?money pile?glyph(activated only by hero)

Corbon said:

In summary, only figures count for that particular rule, although flyers and acrobats also have a special rule that prevents them from ending their movement in spaces that normally prevent entry.

as Corbon said, the space should be empty of figures and I would add also empty of rubble, water, etc.

in general I think the rule for figures ending their movement should read that if a figure end its movement on a space, that space must not contain any element that blocks movement (like other figures, rubble, water etc.)

Avanc said:

Corbon said:

In summary, only figures count for that particular rule, although flyers and acrobats also have a special rule that prevents them from ending their movement in spaces that normally prevent entry.

as Corbon said, the space should be empty of figures and I would add also empty of rubble, water, etc.

in general I think the rule for figures ending their movement should read that if a figure end its movement on a space, that space must not contain any element that blocks movement (like other figures, rubble, water etc.)

en I agree.