Trees and sniper

By Toscadero, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The Sniper ability allows an archer to ignore one obstacle. Trees give a figure in that space shadowcloak. Question is: Since a sniper can ignore a tree to shoot through to someone behind it, can he ignore the tree and it's shadowcloak to hit a figure in the tree? Thanks.

Toscadero said:

The Sniper ability allows an archer to ignore one obstacle. Trees give a figure in that space shadowcloak. Question is: Since a sniper can ignore a tree to shoot through to someone behind it, can he ignore the tree and it's shadowcloak to hit a figure in the tree? Thanks.

He can ignore obstacles, not abilities given by obstacles. So he could ignore the tree, but not the shadowcloak. The real question should be: Could the sniper shot to a monster that is behind a figure in a tree with shadowcloak?

gran_orco said:

Toscadero said:

The Sniper ability allows an archer to ignore one obstacle. Trees give a figure in that space shadowcloak. Question is: Since a sniper can ignore a tree to shoot through to someone behind it, can he ignore the tree and it's shadowcloak to hit a figure in the tree? Thanks.

He can ignore obstacles, not abilities given by obstacles. So he could ignore the tree, but not the shadowcloak. The real question should be: Could the sniper shot to a monster that is behind a figure in a tree with shadowcloak?

Correct that he could ignore the tree, but not the shadowcloak.
All of your Skeletons gain +2 range and may ignore one figure or obstacle when drawing line of sight for attacks .

The only benefit aside from +2 range is the ability to ignore one obstacle or figure when drawing LOS for the attack. Not for the attack itself. If the tree is ignored for LOS, then that is all it is ignored for. It still provides any occupant with Shadowcloak during the not-drawing-LOS stages of the attack. In short, the tree does not exist during step 2 of the attack, but does exist during all other steps of the attack.

As to gran_orco's question, no, he can't ignore both the tree and the figure in it. He is only allowed to ignore one of them - not one 'space worth' of them (note that a multi-space obstacle like a 3 space rubble marker can be entirely ignored - it is one obstacle, although 3 one space rubble markers could not all be ignored).

Note also that Shadowcloak does not have any connection with LOS. LOS does not affect shadowcloak, and shadowcloak does not affect LOS.


So heroes can't trace line of sight to monsters hiding behind a Deep Elf, say. Can't say it's come up in our games, but I'll remember to use that next time.

inle_badger said:


So heroes can't trace line of sight to monsters hiding behind a Deep Elf, say. Can't say it's come up in our games, but I'll remember to use that next time.

I have no idea what relevance that has unless you are missing some vital information. Your post appears to be extremely confused...

Heroes can't trace LOS to any monster through any other monster, except for Precision - which treats Deep Elves no different from any other monster.