Is it just me or did anyone else noticed how much warped the rooms boards seems to be ? Perhaps it came from the preview edition but a lot of the pieces doesnt lie flat on this videos...
Warped board on the videos
Just got the old "MARVEL HEROES" game, now there is a warped board
Could be a prototype/preproduction copy. We can only hope...
I noticed that, but it didn't seem unplayable. Yeah, I would like them to lay perfectly flat, but as long as I can enjoy it I'll be okay.
Hope it's not another "Betrayal at House on the Hill".
The pictures posted on BGG doesn't seem to show any warping of the map tiles.
Fryd Pickles said:
Hope it's not another "Betrayal at House on the Hill".
Having played this last night witht he rest of us who'll be running the preview weekend games, all I can say is that this game is no Betrayal. It is frakking awesome! I was the Keeper, and I was just as on-edge as the Investigators. We're all looking forward to this weekend and the multiple opportunities to play this game.
But as to the issue of warped boards, there was a slight warp to some of the pieces, but only slightly and it didn't really affect how they layed on the table.
JerusalemJones said:
Fryd Pickles said:
Hope it's not another "Betrayal at House on the Hill".
Having played this last night witht he rest of us who'll be running the preview weekend games, all I can say is that this game is no Betrayal.
He was referring to the horribly warped tiles in the 2nd edition of Betrayal.
JerusalemJones said:
Fryd Pickles said:
Hope it's not another "Betrayal at House on the Hill".
Having played this last night witht he rest of us who'll be running the preview weekend games, all I can say is that this game is no Betrayal. It is frakking awesome! I was the Keeper, and I was just as on-edge as the Investigators. We're all looking forward to this weekend and the multiple opportunities to play this game.
But as to the issue of warped boards, there was a slight warp to some of the pieces, but only slightly and it didn't really affect how they layed on the table.
I think what Fryd was talking about JJ was the absolute ridiculous state of the Betrayal tiles and the hope that these tiles do not end up being as bad as those. There has been a lot of complaints recently about quality control for cellulose components such as game boards for many companies that get their production done in china.
The tile warpage was so bad that I returned my Betrayal to the retailer as defective for a full refund.
Here is an example of how ridiculous the quality control on the product was:
Its the second most thumbed picture for betrayal on BGG not because its a good picture but because it serves as a warning.
My set was much worse than this by the time I returned it. The box lid wouldn't even close.
There are now complaints on the rise about FFG's own game boards as well. There must be a common source of chip board that is being used in manufacturing in china for this to occur across so many game publishers that used chinese sources.
I have not had these problems with any recent german game purchases though..
I ran some demo games at my local store. It's been two days since I punched out all the pieces and none are at all warped. so far so good.
Warping of MoM tiles seem a mixed bag so far,nothing as bad as the above mentioned" Betrayal" has been noted yet but it seems some mild warping exists.The number of Games out there are still so small it's hard to say if this will become a big issue when the Game is released.
Some posters have reported no warping so it will be something to check out when my preorder arrives.I really hope this is no big thing as there is just something about a Tile based Game that has warped tiles that is just so off putting
Our pieces were warped. Apparently they weren't when they got punched out, but by the time I sat at the table, there was a far amount of warping. Not Betrayal levels, but still.
It is worth noting we were sitting right in front of the door on a cold and windy day.