Until I stumbled upon news about this exciting release, I had never heard of the concept of living card games before, but I think the notion of having a new set of cards to buy every month is a really intriguing and irresistible prospect.
Unfortunately, I don't have a local game store that carries any of FFG's LCGs (though they do carry some of the board games, like Descent), but I am hoping to avoid having to pay ~$5 or so shipping every month for a $15 or less booster pack. I was wondering, for those of you that play and purchase FFG's other LCG series, what seems to be the most cost-effective or efficient way to buy the core game and monthly releases?
I've gotten very spoiled with Amazon Prime's free, two-day shipping on most items, and was wondering, would anyone be able to tell me how promptly Amazon lists the monthly booster set for each LCG? It would be great to get Amazon's regularly low prices, but free shipping would be golden. Are there any other comparable sites that anyone could suggest?
In any case, please tell me how you typically purchase existing LCG sets and monthly boosters, and about how much it costs you!
Bonus question: what day of the month are the booster packs typically released for the LCG series?
Thanks in advance.