This is an offshoot of another thread .
The question came up about how to make using a two-handed weapon more appealing than dual wielding purely for the an additional attack.
What follows is a first pass at a few two-handed weapon talents. I have not had a chance to test these in game but I don't think they are overpowered.Constructive criticism is always welcome.
Two-Handed Weapon Specialist
Requirements: WS 40
Effect: Extensive training has allowed you to overcome the awkward nature of two-handed weapons. Any two-handed weapon you wield may be used to parry. You may ignore the Unbalanced trait on any two-handed weapon and any two-handed weapon with the Unwieldy trait changes to Unbalanced.
Lunging Attack (Two-Handed Weapon)
Requirements: WS 40, Two-Handed Weapon Specialist, wielding a two-handed weapon
Effect: As part of any full attack action you may make a melee attack as if your weapon has a range of 2. This attack does leave you vulnerable. Any enemy that threatens you in melee, that is not the focus of this attack, may spend a reaction to make a normal melee attack against you.
Scything Strike (Two-Handed Weapon)
Requirements: AG 45, WS 50, Two-Handed Weapon Specialist, wielding a two-handed weapon
Effect: Spinning recklessly, you make multiple attacks against any who dare draw near you. As a full attack action treat your two-handed melee weapon as if it has the Blast(2) trait centered on you. This attack makes no distinction between friend and foe. You do not attack yourself.
Due to the reckless nature of this maneuver any ranged attacks against you are made at +20 until the beginning of your next turn.
Flurry (Two-Handed Weapon)
Requirements: Two-Handed Weapon Specialist, Two Weapon Wielder (Melee), wielding a two-handed weapon
Effect: While wielding a two-handed weapon you may treat it as if you were fighting with two normal melee weapons, all normal penalties apply. The primary hand is considered to attack with the normal attack of the two-handed weapon, the damage dice from this attack is halved, ex. 2D10 becomes 1d10, 1d10 becomes 1d5 (minimum), all other modifiers and Str bonus apply to these attacks. The off-hand end of the weapon deals 1d10 + Str or 1d5+ Str, if the primary attack die is reduced to 1d5, but gains none of the special properties of the primary attack source. The off-hand attack is considered primitive only if the primary attack source is.
Some weapons designed for this type of fighting, some stave's and double ended weaponry, will not have their damage reduced when used in this manner.
Updated v:1.1