Everything DragonWhimsy is detailing about FFG is very close to what I had expected from the time the game changed hands from DoW. Many players that were active on the DoW forums hoped that the shift to FFG would also bring more transparency to the further development of the game system (more on that next paragraph - pretty disingenuous to compare this game to Battle Cry rather than Memoir '44, Grubman ). I was hopeful that BL would be an exception, but am not surprised at all with the trajectory the game has taken since FFG took the reins.
I've got plenty going on in my life, no one needs to pity me that BattleLore at five isn't what I expected. I'll be fine However, the BattleLore I expected by year five is not a figment of my drug-addled imagination. That is the fault of The BattleLore Primer. As most anyone can see, quite a bit more suggested there than Battle Cry. The game outlined in the Primer is not the game that exists commercially at the moment. If we are still experiencing some speed bumps as that game does roll out - cool. If the direction of the game has changed and it is being racheted back down to merely a "boardgame" - cool as well. It would be good to know either way with some advance notice, but I am along for the ride wherever it may carry.