its been a long while since I have been here and posted. I'm sure no one really remembers me. Work has taken a hard tole on me and have been distracted.
Now baack to my adventure. So a little about my PCs I have one tech priest that has an AI consuniousness that has been downloaded into his head. I have a Psker that is a whorishper of Teezenth and sold his soul to him. Then there is one gaurdsmen and arbite. They have been on many a mission and have proved them selves so far. With the release of the DoDG I am able to finally use the logicans ( the ones that created the AI).
Now this AI has been busy when the PCs goes to sleep and has been building something. As I am also a big fan of the Dr. Who series I'm thinking that the AI may have been busy creating a machine to create....CyberMen..... The next time the PCs are sent off on there next mission the AI will make its move to escape and set up shop on the planet.
Comments are very much accepted on this idea...I'll try and keep everyone updated. let me know if interested. =]