When I Woke...?

By DerBarchen, in 6. AGoT Spoiler Space

Ok, I searched the Wiki of Ice and Fire and skimmed through the forums but I cant find an anwser. What is the Deal with When I Woke (PotS) ?

Its one of the World Champion cards and I have NO idea what it relates to. I like to think I have a pretty big, if not perfect, knowledge of details in the series and I honestly dont know what the card's title or flavour text reffers to. Can anyone help me out please?

Refers to Stannis telling Davos about the dream he had of Renly dying. "It was a dream. I was in my tent when Renly died, and when I woke my hands were clean."

I think what's confusing is that the illustration has nothing to do with that scene.

Saturnine said:

I think what's confusing is that the illustration has nothing to do with that scene.

Ahhh yes, I think thats why I had no idea what was going on! Thanks, that makes perfect sense. I guess No One can keep Every Sentance from the books in their head at all times =P

DerBarchen said:

Saturnine said:

I guess No One can keep Every Sentance from the books in their head at all times =P

Certainly not. I couldn't remember the "when I woke" passage either, so I googled it.

Saturnine said:

Certainly not. I couldn't remember the "when I woke" passage either, so I googled it.

Ahh Google. It knows too much... *narrow eyes*