Mutant Chronicles transport containers?

By Cyborgtrucker, in Mutant Chronicles

So what do you use for hauling your legions around? Now that I'm actually amassing a sizeable amount I'll thinking of getting some dedicated transportation for them. I'm sure some people probably just chuck them in a box but I want to keep mine pristine. It would be nice if FFG put something out with a big picture of an MC battle on the side maybe. It could hold single and double base figures. Have room for dice, maps, decks and rulebooks. If there is one thing I learned from Spaceballs: The Movie it's merchandising!! oh and don't have the special...

I totally use the Army Transport cases. I have tons of the models at home, and when I head out to games, I bring two Army Transport Mark II cases; people are like, "Dayum! How many 40K models you carrying!?" I'm like, "This is Mutant Chronicles, sucka!'

My fiance does the same; she cannot stop playing Brotherhood. She has a sizeable amount of MC models, too. Honestly, I think she'd simply rather carry them in a cardbord box, LOL!

I take pride in my MC collection, that's all. I'm totally interested in what others are using to transport their models.

For my big stuff I'm using one of the tall Army Transport containers, but I have so many additional small units that I just use a plastic box to haul them around with me. These models are very resilient so far, and I haven't had many breakage problems at all. At least nothing that couldn't be easily fixed.

In Spain is difficult to find Army Transport cases, so I'm actually waiting for a " Mini " from Figures in Comfort , with two Mod-15 Trays (for a total of sixteen minis carried without problems), I'll tell you (with photos, I hope) when my shipment arrives.

these figs are less bendy but more durable than many pre-paints. This makes them near perfect for storage and transport.

I use snap-tight plastic tubs of various sizes, acquired for very little at chain type "big box" stores. I fill them with excess foam from army transports, blisters from other games, etc. I currently have one large container for each faction, and one empty one. I generally make the armies ahead of time and only bring one container with everything I need.

If I am doing a demo, etc then I bring all 3 of my armies. Even then, it is not too much to haul. I will have to limit what I bring as my options grow, but all in all this game seems to be quite user / transport friendly.

What did you decide to do?

I play mostly small models so I use an Ultra Pro Mini case. Cut out the middle betwean two slots and fit 2 of them end to end. It also leaves me space for dice and tokens and markers.

I'm still deciding. But I'll post what I did when I decide.