When A player enters the catacombs at the start of there turn, instead of moving or searching, do they draw a catacombs card? Or do they only draw catacomb cards at the start of there turn?
Player draws "Passage Down" or encounters a Catacombs room.
On the players next turn they chooses to "Enter the Catacombs" instead of moving or searching.
Do they:
A) Enter the Catacombs. On there next turn draw a Catacombs Card.
B) Enter the Catacombs and draw a Catacombs card.
The way the rules read (page 21) it would seem that 'A' it the correct rule.
"When a Hero encounters a Dungeon or
Search card called “Passage Down,” he
may enter the Catacombs on his next turn
instead of moving or searching."
"When a Hero encounters a Catacomb Entrance chamber or a
Dungeon chamber with a catacomb entrance marker, he finds a path
down to the Catacombs. The Hero must encounter the chamber as
normal, drawing a Dungeon card and resolving it as usual. However,
on the Hero’s next turn, he can choose to enter the Catacombs
instead of moving or searching."
"Heroes in the Catacombs do not move or search like Heroes exploring
the dungeon above. Instead,
a Hero in the Catacombs must draw
a Catacomb card at the start of each of his turns."
I have found no other section in the rules that describe when a player draws a card for Catacombs other than this one line. (Above in bold)