Just made a first version, i might change it, when i get my hands on the RoB
Opinions ?
Just made a first version, i might change it, when i get my hands on the RoB
Opinions ?
It's simple (in the good way) and it's also well done. And I have downloaded it yet Good contribution
Have you designed heraldry slot for each player's heraldry, like the Grey Knights have? Awesome idea
In exchange, my next villain will be called like you
In deathwatch the emphasis is on each individual marine. The heraldry slot allows for a two words motto, you can place kill team markings, chapter markings, mission and tour of duty iconography, deeds , distinctions and honours on it and in that way design a very personalized heraldry for each individual member. Besides it makes the next to useless backbanner equipment option into something very personal and worth taking on certain types of missions (especially diplomatic ones).
Not to be a downer, but I clicked on that link tkis and sent me someplace else and suddenly a spyware virus tried to upload onto my comp. Just wanted to give you a heads up.
imageshack is supposed to be virus free though, all my other images i presented here are on imageshack as well and people never complained
While I know this thread is old. I really like this method of consolidating information. it's nice to see at a glance what talents or skills are available to you at any given rank. I must say though, your random statistic generator is a bit off... I checked the VB code to be sure. There is a 1% chance in receiving a 20 (or 2) for a 2d10 dice roll, and a 10% chance of receiving an 11 on a 2d10 dice roll. Not just an equal chance of receiving each number (as a d20 roll). so for others, be sure to use a real dice rolling app or the real dice!
Which statistic generator are you talking about though? Tricky's Character Sheet Generator? Also, bear in mind that (while I'm not a math wizard) if you use 2d10, the two extreme ends (2 and 20) are actually statistically less likely to occur than the numbers in the middle range. You don't roll a d20 in DW during chargen, you roll 2d10.
Which statistic generator are you talking about though? Tricky's Character Sheet Generator? Also, bear in mind that (while I'm not a math wizard) if you use 2d10, the two extreme ends (2 and 20) are actually statistically less likely to occur than the numbers in the middle range. You don't roll a d20 in DW during chargen, you roll 2d10.
Edited by killakan