Quick question for you guys. I recently picked up Bearded Brave (yay!) but to my dismay I noticed that the the stickers don't stay stuck on the little plastic flags. My question is this, what do you guys do in this case? Is there a certain glue that works good to keep these on?
I'd hit up customer service, but if there's a fix I can do to correct this, I'd rather just do it. Definitley not knocking FF customer service, they ROCK (imho). I've only had to contact them like 2 times (once for Runewars that out of the box had damaged mountains, once for MEQ funky miniatures), both times they were fast and awesome to deal with. For something like this though I'd rather just glue it, but I thought I'd see if you guys had a preferred glue that isn't too messy with the stickers.
Thanks in advance for any insight!