Road to Legend Level Leader Wounds

By Salem, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi All,

In Sea of Blood, the level leaders have their wound and armour bonus per campaign level (eg. 8 extra wounds and 1 extra armour per campaign level). Has anyone tried applying this to the level leaders in Road to Legend? Does it make the leaders too powerful or would it help them stay in line with the heroes at higher campaign levels?

We have done this in our last Campaing.

Now we are on third Flor of our last dungeon befor entering the Keep.

I think it work well.

The Wound and Armor Upgrades are in most Cases similiar to this in SoB so in don't Hurt to do this.

And now the Leaders are mor Intresting in Silver and Gold and not some sort of Cake walk.

Don't change the bonuses on RtL bosses, unless you want some crazy stuff going on. Some bosses have 25 extra wounds. You really want to triple that?

Here's a thread on BBG that discusses the same question
