I'm trying to work up something to cover all the different Start of Turn effects, events cards etc. I need some opinions, ideas, checking what I might have missed etc.
At the monet, for start of turn in particular, I'm looking at a Q&A that completely overhauls 'start of turn'.
I envisage 4 main 'actual timings' being possible/important.
a) First, before anything else happens in a turn, effectively 'before' the turn.
b-OL) For OL, after discarding down to hand size (see DJitD pg18) but before Step 3.
b-H) For Hero, Any time after a) but before Declaring an action in Step 3
c) For an individual figure, only immediately before activating that figure or declaring that figure’s action (ie, only in step 3, but at a specific part of step 3)
d) Only during the specific Step indicated (eg spawning and discarding treasures only in step 2 – and discarding only at the end of that step 2)
The idea then is that anything within the same grouping (and d as appropriate) can then be resolved in the order decided by the active player (probably).
I've found the following 'start of turn' effects, events etc, grouped them as best I can, and given my estimation of options a-d which would be appropriate for each:
i) Rest Order -
b or c
ii) Shadow Soul -
a, b or c
iii) Lingering effect tokens: Burn, Bleed, Daze, Web, Enslaved, Frost, Sleep
- a, b or c
iv) Spawns:
already clear - d
v) Power Cards:
already clear - b
vi) Feats: Carried By Air, Hurry, Foiled Plans, Hustle, Second Wind, Sparks of Pain*, We are not Afraid* -
b or c (* indicates use durin OL's turn, which strongly inclines toward b IMO)
vii) OL Cards: Animate Weapons, Dance of the Monkey God, Dark Balm, Dark Charm, Dark Servant, Gust of Wind, Poltergeist, Smash, Spell of viii) Binding/Burning/Frost/Thunder, Time Slips Away -
viii) Invisibility potions -
b or c
ix) Discard Treasures” Crystal/Charm/Lamp/Eyes/Wishing Ring -
x) Map effects (crushing walls/rolling boulders/ other specials) + Dar Hilzernod special and similar specials such as the Siren’s ‘call’ -
xi) Swallow damage to hero -
a, b or c
xii) Hero Special Abilities : Ispher, Red Scorpion, Varikas, Sahla, Captain Skill, Tatianna
a, b or c
I'd like to group these as:
a) only x
b) only v, vii, + vi*s
c) i, ii, iii, vi, ix, xi, xii
d) iv, ix
That puts everything that happens uniquely to or from one figure, grouped together at that figure's 'activation'. It is a major simplification, which changes a number of things from how I at least currently do them - but to be honest I'm not sure it would be fair to really call it a 'change' rules-wise since we really don't have anything solid at the moment.
So, please comment on:
1. Any effects/events etc missed that do not clearly fit within an existing category (i-xii) there?
2. Any major problems with this approach?
3. Any timing group (a-d) ideas I have missed?
4. Any particular problems that this will create?
5. Feel free to jump in with a better way to resolve this. We could do an exhaustive style timing sheet that explicitly induces every start of turn option, but I am sure FFG wouldn't go for that (and neither would most fans) stylewise and I think it would be unsustainable at that level of detail for anything new expansions introduced as well.
I'll leave the 'general timing' stuff for now, though anyone else is welcome to jump in with ideas. Mine still really rely on triggers/responses, (simultaneous) effects stacking until no more are in play (or maybe more can be added as they are resolved?) and then one player deciding what order to resolve each 'simultaneous' effect before resolving the next.