If I was a Recon Ranger . . .

By CombatRanger, in Dust Tactics

I would feel so jipped . . .

Compare me to my counter parts . . . 1. No anti-tank weapons. 2. No Knifes and grenades . . . no biggie now, but I'm sure it will be important in the future. 3. The victory machine gun pales in comparison to the MG48. Both in anti-personel and anti-aircraft.

Compare me to my faction's other infantry. 1. No anti-tank 2. Only 2 UGL's 3. No special ability; like fast or agile to compensate for traveling so light.

And I cost the same as all these other unit.

Good thing I'm not a recon ranger, lol.

These guys are the best anit-infantry in the game, they can put more fire down at a longer distance then any us troop.

as for their axis counter part, while they are better all around, the ugl still makes recon rangers better at anti infantry.

CombatRanger said:

I would feel so jipped . . .

Compare me to my counter parts . . . 1. No anti-tank weapons. 2. No Knifes and grenades . . . no biggie now, but I'm sure it will be important in the future. 3. The victory machine gun pales in comparison to the MG48. Both in anti-personel and anti-aircraft.

Compare me to my faction's other infantry. 1. No anti-tank 2. Only 2 UGL's 3. No special ability; like fast or agile to compensate for traveling so light.

And I cost the same as all these other unit.

Good thing I'm not a recon ranger, lol.

I totally agree. I have already posted about this in the FAQ section asking if their card is accurate.

No matter how you slice it, these guys are bad value.

TylerT said:

These guys are the best anit-infantry in the game, they can put more fire down at a longer distance then any us troop.

as for their axis counter part, while they are better all around, the ugl still makes recon rangers better at anti infantry.

The anti-infantry abilities of the Recon Rangers don't seem that impressive to me.

Sure, they have longer range than the BBQ Squad, but the BBQ squad has way more anti-infantry firepower PLUS a ton of anti-tank firepower.

And even the Combat Rangers can still put out 9 dice against infantry thanks to their four UGLs (the Recon Rangers can put out a whopping one more die).

Commander Dust said:

CombatRanger said:

I would feel so jipped . . .

Compare me to my counter parts . . . 1. No anti-tank weapons. 2. No Knifes and grenades . . . no biggie now, but I'm sure it will be important in the future. 3. The victory machine gun pales in comparison to the MG48. Both in anti-personel and anti-aircraft.

Compare me to my faction's other infantry. 1. No anti-tank 2. Only 2 UGL's 3. No special ability; like fast or agile to compensate for traveling so light.

And I cost the same as all these other unit.

Good thing I'm not a recon ranger, lol.

I totally agree. I have already posted about this in the FAQ section asking if their card is accurate.

No matter how you slice it, these guys are bad value.

What's really weird is that the fluff for the Recon Rangers mentions their "speed" three timesyet they move no faster than any other infantry (in fact, they're slower than the BBQ Squad).

They should really have, say, a base movement of 2 (which would make them slightly faster than the BBQ Squad since the Recon Rangers could then move 4 squares in a single turn).

They certainly need *something*, anyway, because they are currently the worst unit in the game (and my favorite unit to sacrifice in order to draw one of my opponent's more valuable units into a trap).

Yeah, we've been fielding Bot Killers instead of Recon Rangers.

yeah ok i agree they seem to be lacking something.

If they are designed to be anti infantry . . . then get rid of their UGL's and add another Victory Machine gun . . . problem solved.

i figured it out

if you buy the gunners box set, you can swap the MG out for a bazooka and just use the recon rangers as an extra gunners squad.

Hey guys. The tournament rules have just been released with tournament points values.The Recon Boys are 15 points. Half the cost of the BBQ boys at 30 and a point cheaper than their axis equivalent.

Fantasy Flight therefore know that the points system in the regular game is unbalanced. I hope they sort this out in the future.

The new point system, is a real help, and I for one say thank you. That said, I like my recon boys. But, to use them well a larger board helps where thier range come into play as they can shoot and scoot. Also, who to say that a special hero type in the future might come into play that works really well with the recon boys.

Well Im wondering what Johnny One-Eye can do? Put him with the Recon Rangers and you get two Victory Machine Guns and whatever his special is . . .