Chests in Road to Legend

By Tokata, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


We just started to play the RtL campain with another group. My old group used to play: "If a chest is opened 4 dices are rolled - Heart = 100 Coins, Flash 50 Coins one Potion and nothing = 1 Treasurecard" - so 2 Heart 1 Flash 1 Nothing would be 300 gold, 1 potion and 1 Treasurecard

well the other group played that every hero gets what is rolled - so 2 Heart 1 Flash 1 Nothing would be 1200 (300x4) gold, 4 potions, 4 Treasurecard

- with the rules we could already say that there is just 1 potion and 300 gold for the whole group (so group gets rewards not every hero) - but we still have a problem if a "nothing" on the dice gives the heros 1 or 4 Treasure cards (so either 1 for the whole group or 1 per hero) - i always thought it would be one per hero and in the german forum everyone else say so, but there is no official rule telling this. The other group we are playing with arguments that "treasure cards are drawn as usual" isn't a change in rules so the corerules (every hero 1 card) stay.

as we couldn't mannage to find a clear rule for this in the german forum i wanted to ask here (best an allmighty admin ;) ^^)



ps: if my english is horrible exuse it^^

You get exactly what the chart says. It is not multiplied by 4.

Tokata said:

but we still have a problem if a "nothing" on the dice gives the heros 1 or 4 Treasure cards (so either 1 for the whole group or 1 per hero) - i always thought it would be one per hero and in the german forum everyone else say so, but there is no official rule telling this. The other group we are playing with arguments that "treasure cards are drawn as usual" isn't a change in rules so the corerules (every hero 1 card) stay.

The key is that the entire treasure rules are changed. So there is an official rule telling you, it just isn't written explicitly.
You roll 4 dice and get exactly what those 4 dice tell you - no multiplication by 4 (that is where the 4 dice come from) for anything . "Treasure cards are drawn as usual" referes to the method of drawing, not the number drawn.

Just to thoroughly confirm it, from the GLOAQ:
How many treasures are given out per treasure roll?
Also, one treasure per blank rolled. Not per hero. Campaign mode is more about making the most of your resources than normal mode is. .

LOL so really they were people that were getting the rewards multiplied by 4? I fail to see how people would even consider that and if do it how they could think the campaign would be balanced. By the end of the 2nd dungeon they would have gained all the copper deck LOL.