Custom Chapter Relics?

By DrewVolker, in Deathwatch House Rules

Hey, I havent had a chance to read through the new book yet (rites of battle), but as soon as I can I plan on picking it up.

If I remember correctly its supose to have rules for making your own chapter, am I correct? Anyone have a chance to check them out yet, are they any good? Also does it have rules for making chapter relics? Like the space wolves have that awsome chain sword, the storm wardens have that shield, ect. Cause I am going to use my custom chapter in a deathwatch game and wanted to know what I should do for making a chapter relic.

I already know what I'm gonna make, just not sure how to go about doing it.

Thanks in advance.

P.S: If it helps, I am gonna make a pair of lightning claws the relic. Just want to know what I need to do to them to make them a relic (like uping there stats or what?)

A few things you could do depending on what your going for, Give it sanctified damage, possibly an increase in str(more of a powerfist thing, but perhaps this old relic is alil of both), instead of 2 points extra damage per degree success make it 3, reduce the dex penalty from -20 to -10, increase pen from 8 to 9, damage increase from 1d10+6 to 2d10+3, Perhaps they were crafted for one specific type of enemy +10WS when facing that enemy.

Thats just a few Ideas I would not give it all of that, but 2-3 of them sure.

Also, would you say its overpowered to have lightning claws with a bolter/storm bolter build in. Kinda like the gauntlets of ultramar.

DrewVolker said:

Also, would you say its overpowered to have lightning claws with a bolter/storm bolter build in. Kinda like the gauntlets of ultramar.

Well depending on how you allowed them to be used might make them OP, but being that it is a relic and not avalible to a player until a fairly high rank I would think it to be ok.

Personally I like to look at what relics are out there in the fluff, like the Gauntlets of Ultramar, and use those as the extreme example of a relic and what is too powerful for a player.

The Gauntlets of Ultramar are souped up power fists with a pair of bolt guns attached. The only person who wields them is the Chapter Master. Using these as an example you can work backwards and figure out how powerful something should be before it gets to the point that the Chapter Master starts wondering why he isn't the one wielding them.

This is how I break things down, in any game system, so I can figure out what a reasonable bonus is for players.

Gauntlets of Ultramar:
Enhanced Power Fist x2
Bolt Gun* x2 w/ backpack ammo supply

*There is a high probability that these are above average bolt guns.

A normal character, a space marine in this case, would carry a power fist and bolt pistol. Compare the normal weapon combo to what the Chapter Master carries. I normally don't write this breakdown down, it's more of a mental calculation to see where things land. All items, being a part of a relic, would be considered highest quality examples of their kind. I assign 1 point for each item, enhancement or level of power (Bolt pistol = 1, Bolt gun = 2, etc.).

Normal SM
Power Fist = 1
Bolt Pistol = 1
Total = 2

Chapter Master
Enhanced Power Fist = 2
Enhanced Power Fist = 2
Enhanced Bolt Gun =3
Enhanced Bolt Gun =3
Back pack ammo =1
Total = 11

So we end up with: 2 points of normal load out vs 11 points of Chapter Master Relic

With that in mind, I would say limit any major relic to 10 points on this scale, Ultramarines are better than everyone else so they get an extra point for just being awesome, with most normal relics falling in the 6-8 point range.

Based on what you mentioned about the lightning claws with bolters attached:

Lightning Claw x2 = 2
Bolt gun x2 = 4
Total = 6

This would fall into the reasonable category, but I would put a no back pack ammo restriction, extend reload time by a half action if worn as a pair, and cut the range of the bolters as per compact or forearm mounting in the DH books.

If you instead did:
Enhanced Lightning Claw x2 = 4
Bolt Pistol x2 = 2
Total = 6

I would have, as Nimon suggested, the Lightning Claws be of exceptional quality allowing more dexterity than normal, the Enhanced bonus reducing the penalty for fine manipulation to -10, with a pair of bolt pistols that function normally.

What is the fluff of your custom chapter that defines lightning claws as a relic for them? Maybe the Lightning claws don't have bolters built in, but an Auspex or maybe a multi-key that allows the wearer to test security as a basic or trained skill if they don't have it, with the multi-key bonus.

Ultimately how powerful a relic is is up to you. I tend to ere on the side of caution when handing out items, as I have been bitten by what I thought was a innocuous item upgrade that the players, as they always do, figured out how to abuse. I prefer to hand out weird and unusual items instead of upgraded weapons and armor in most games I run because of this.