In Star Wars, jedi and sith (or sometimes jedi and jedi or sith and sith) will lock lightsabers, pushing with all their might to win the "saber lock". In Gears of War 2 you can get into a chainsaw duel with your lancers and furiously smash the B button as the teeth of your chainsaw bayonet rattle violently off the teeth of your opponent's chainsaw bayonet. In Emperor-knows how many fantasy and medieval-themed books, graphic novels, and films, heroes will cross swords and try to force their way through such a lock.
How would you deal with such a thing? I was thinking that since chain- and power-weapons (although I admit it would be strange to try it with a chainaxe) were the best weapons to use in such a situation as compared to two chainswords screaming at each other as they are locked by their combatants, a regular sword-lock just isn't as interesting. This was the idea I had:
- You strike your opponent with your chainsword (0 degrees of success)
- Your opponent parries your strike with his own chainsword (1 degree of success)
- This normally doesn't matter, but as your opponent had more degrees of success than you, he can opt to put you both into a chainsword lock!
- You both act as if you are grappling for the purposes of avoiding being hit by other combatants etc. The only action you can take is trying to break the lock or a psychic power (needs looking into, I'm not familiar with many psychic powers but burning someone's brain out with eyebeams while locked in a chainsword duel with them would be pretty cool)
- To try to break the lock, both combatants make opposed WS tests. The winner adds one point to his "duel score" and one extra point for every degree of success over his opponent.
- The first combatant whose "dule score" reaches 3, wins. They damage their opponent as if they had just struck them as normal. This does not count as their reaction this round.
I haven't even begun testing this. It's just an idea. The duel score might be way too low, but I was thinking that if both combatants keep drawing or failing that it could go on forever. Perhaps taking a Withdraw action could also break the duel, but your opponent gets a free attack as a Reaction anyway? Also, perhaps the WS test should be replaced with a Strength test. Or add your SB to your Duel Score and make the target score much higher like 8 or 10.
The same could also apply to power weapons because having two, loud, crackling weapons surrounded by energy fields would be awesome. Force-blade combat would be even better, although I'm sure you'd have to make Channelling tests or apply your WP instead of Strength or something.