The Battlelore New Years Resolution! (Pt 2: le Français )

By grubman, in Battlelore

Alright, another plastic box full of completely painted miniatures. This time the French. Hopefully I can get everything else finished before the Code of Chivalry expansion comes out!

Don’t be too impressed with my speed; the majority of these were painted already (79 of the 100, to be specific). I did, however need to remove the flock from the bases, repaint those, and give them all a coat of the new varnish I’m using to seal the miniatures.

In any case, here is every French miniature for Battlelore to date. There are exactly 100 miniatures…and somehow I expected that number to look a little more “impressive” when pictured all together.



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It is amazing how so many miniatures can look like so little. Impressive stuff, though...I'm glad that my Star Wars miniatures come pre-painted :)

awayputurwpn said:

It is amazing how so many miniatures can look like so little. Impressive stuff, though...I'm glad that my Star Wars miniatures come pre-painted :)

Heh heh, I spent over $3000 on those, and hate myself for it. I would spend the money (usually 3 cases at a time), open them up, stored them away...end of story :( . I feel like I get my moneys worth when I get to paint the minis, gives me more hours of fun and enjoyment. :)

They look fantastic! I just reorganised all my BL Minis between a bunch of different plano cases. I left enough room for the Horrific Horde, Bearded Brave and Code of Chivalry.

There's also room in the one I keep the creatures and heroes in - are you listening FFG? gran_risa.gif

