Rtl and Superior Healing and skill card Knight

By PDT, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1 Q is : a hero has gained "Superior Healing" and he can spent one movement point and get 2 wounds heal, this can be do multiple times.he has 4 movement points and now he declares RUN, this gives him 8 movement, is he then alowed to us the point to heal and by this gain 16 wounds healed...?

2 Q is : The skill card "Knight" you declare a battle and spent 2 fatigue, by doing this the hero gains 3 attacks instead of two and also gain movement equal to half the movement point in this case, he get 2 movement, NOW... is he forced to use this movement on moving or can he like normal spent, this movement on other things.. (in my case the hero also has Superioer healing).

I understand the rules on spending movement on many things, but in gold level, i sometimes get the feeling that with so many cards and so on, things tend to get in a gray zone, with much rule "bending" ..surge counting, one card gives more to a other card and back again..I must all so atmit that i am OL and dont give things away for free;-) ..Gold level is a biatch and the heroes is getting F... many cards plus the damm feat cards...

The Road to Legend rules on page 9 tell you to remove Superior Healing from the deck before beginning a campaign.

In vanilla, though, yes, each movement point is 2 healing. It's rather powerful.

And Knight gives you movement points. "Move X spaces" is the normal language they use when giving you movement points.

NUB NUB... sorry and many thanks...i have completly overseen that very importent text... again many thanks..