Lets make 'em do new expansion!!!!:)))

By Jocinetu, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I want more....

There is so much great monsters that just wait to be imported into this fascinating system!!! Personally i don't need any more new heroes, i need more skills, more monsters, items, OL cards...

First of all monsters i would like to see werewolves & vampires with their ability to turn hero to werewolf or vampire for 1-2 turns (ofc controled by OL) and master werewolf/vampire turn 'em till death... That would me awesome... OFC that monsters would be expensive for OL and maybe only one normal & one master of each... Vampire would have also a undying ability & master vampire maybe to be immune to all but silver (add silver items)!!! Werewolf would have bleed ability & master werewolf maybe sweep ability. Also i would love to see some cheap one-shot monsters like snakes, rat swarm, insects, large worms etc. Also i will add rule that OL can randomly pick one hero and control him like some lieutenant who have command ability or something similar & can be resurrected by OL for 30 threat tokens for example! Also heroes need more combo-like powers and skills, like two hero can work together in same time to get some nasty combo move or action!

I would love to see your own ideas, so be free to add below your opinions!!!!

-TRUE DESCENT FAN!!!! gran_risa.gif

Have you seen the Ravenloft board game from Wizards of the Coast? It's not competitive like Descent (all players work together towards a common goal), but it has many of the things you mentioned.

Jocinetu said:

First of all monsters i would like to see werewolves & vampires with their ability to turn hero to werewolf or vampire for 1-2 turns (ofc controled by OL) and master werewolf/vampire turn 'em till death... That would me awesome...

I applaud your enthusiasm, but I suspect the ability to turn heroes into OL controlled figures, even for a few turns, would raise a lot of rules questions and balance concerns. Look at all the questions Dark Charm generates and multiply them by 10.

If you could manage to get the tank (which would depend on how exactly the infection worked) you could slaughter the remaining heroes wholesale (with that hero and with all the other monsters who can pour in through the hole in their defenses generated by this hero becoming an OL puppet.) If the OL gains immediate control of the hero (ie: same turn he infects the hero) he could turn whichever hero it was against the others literally before they have a chance to react. The hero's player would be forced to sit and watch as the OL mercilessly uses his character to slaughter the others.

Of course, any OL with a lick of common sense would also voluntarily drop all of the hero's gear just before the effect wears off, which would leave that hero naked and scrambling back to town for more gear (especially devastating in an AC game that's beyond Copper, doubly so if it was, in fact, the tank.) It's worse than a Crushing Blow; it affects everything they're holding and doesn't allow for any kind of save. If he can't compel the other heroes to kill the turncoat, he can slaughter it with monsters once its naked for an easy CT score (and probably a high one if this is indeed the tank.)

We'd also have to re-analyze all the skill cards to see if any question arise from the hero no longer being on the "right" side. What about Feat cards? Does the OL get the hero's hand of cards? Can he voluntarily discard them all for no effect?

And all this is only assuming one hero got turned. If the OL has the ability to turn multiple heroes at once, things just go from bad to worse.

You're a true fan of something , but I'm not sure that it's Descent...

(I posted in a simlier topic)

Honestly I would just like more pre made dungeons books. We got a 1 and nothing more it seems. If they made more that hardback booklets with new quests or even a paper back one (just like in the advance games) with all the dungeons from each box set all in one that would make my day. Even throw in some Fan made ones for good measure it would also increase people wanting to design quest via the tools to see if they can get theirs enterd if more books were made.

New thoughts/idea-

If push came to shove and they made say a new advance game or maybe a stand alone to add on. I imagin at some point a good route would be adding towns that you have to explore or defend with some intresting gameplay from the high walls. Basicly just a map of grass or so then you place walls and building around it. Could add alot of differant things such as Town guards that players can control same way as villagers in before. But with more health and a simple attack. They would probly be on tile units tho.

I can't picture any new valid enermy to add to the monster pool so if they did say have a town and what not maybe add seige weapon models that have almost a life of their own I surpose in examples

Battering Ram- adds cover to near by units from range and magic, Remove doors and maybe whole walls after so much time.

stone thrower- can't move plus 5 range, 3 blast, chance to miss when attacking (act much like cannon in SOB in much own right)

seige towers- Slow moving highly armored but allow larger monsters to reach the top of walls

I don;t know much about the world that Descent is based around, but someone else a while back brought up a desert theme idea that I really liked. It would be cool to maybe have another campaign setting, but another box expansion would be nice. Going with the desert or what ever you might call it Egyptian based or what ever. But have things like mummies, djinnies, giant scorpions, dust devils, and maybe insect swarms. some magic items might be a flying carpet that can move the party as a whole. New props like quick sand. I don't know but just think it might be cool.

honKYkat73 said:

I don;t know much about the world that Descent is based around, but someone else a while back brought up a desert theme idea that I really liked. It would be cool to maybe have another campaign setting, but another box expansion would be nice.

Descent uses the same setting as Runebound (and Runewars and DQ.) Road to Legend used a map that was borrowed from Runebound's base game map. SoB used the map from RB's (first?) expansion, Island of Dread. The common theory is that if FFG ever gets around to making a third AC expansion, it will probably use the map from RB's second expansion, Sands of Al-Kalim, and be correspondingly desert themed.

If they go with another vanilla expansion next (which would fit the pattern) then the theme is a bit more up in the air, but it has been suggested it might follow a jungle theme in order to include the heroes from the most recent RB expansion, Mists of Zanaga. (The heroes from Sands were used in Altar of Despair, the heroes from IoD were actually included with base Descent.)

Honestly, after the fiasco of Sea of Blood I don't know if I'll be wanting to get another Descent expansion. At the very least I wouldn't want one until after they've fixed SoB through massive FAQs and errata. Even then I'd be wary of a new set until it'd been out for a while. Descent has always been a game whose fun factor was strong but it's rules had a shaky foundation. SoB almost collapsed that already shaky foundation to the ground.

James McMurray said:

Honestly, after the fiasco of Sea of Blood I don't know if I'll be wanting to get another Descent expansion. At the very least I wouldn't want one until after they've fixed SoB through massive FAQs and errata. Even then I'd be wary of a new set until it'd been out for a while. Descent has always been a game whose fun factor was strong but it's rules had a shaky foundation. SoB almost collapsed that already shaky foundation to the ground.

I don't disagree.

I think FFG has historically been hesitant to consider a second edition of the game because they exploded with expansions pretty fast and they didn't want to alienate the fanbase by making everything obsolete too quickly. That said, the rules are undeniably a mess and a second edition would be a great opportunity to start over and set things straight.

I can only speak for myself, but I would not be alienated if they chose to do a second edition instead of a new expansion. I will probably continue to buy expansions as long as they keep publishing them (I actively tried to avoid buying SoB, but in the end I caved) but a new edition with streamlined and corrected rules would be a welcome sight to my eyes. I also wouldn't be entirely disappointed if what's out there now were the end. Our group still has a decent chunk of official quests to get through, and there's tons on fan quests online when those are done.

I think as long the tiles and figures remained the same scale (and I don't see any reason to change that in particular) I could find way to kitbash "2e rules" for anything they didn't include in a new base box, so I'd still be happy.

Steve-O said:

I think as long the tiles and figures remained the same scale (and I don't see any reason to change that in particular) I could find way to kitbash "2e rules" for anything they didn't include in a new base box, so I'd still be happy.

And they could always do what they did with Tannhauser and create a 2nd Ed that was identical to 1st Ed in components just with an updated rulebook, and then sell that book separately.


So tallying up the ideas:

-Jungle Theme (sounds groovy)

-Desert Theme ( Fantasy Arabia or Fantasy Egypt - both sound great! Magic carpet anyone?)

-2nd edition rulebook like Tanhauser

-Another Quest Compendium (the first one was great!)

Things I'd like to see:

-Clockwork Dungeon and clockwork constructs - anybody remember the revolving room from Hero quest?

-Deeper underground tiles or theme, such as more crystals, Lava, more demons, devils or a fantasy Hell

-A Fey realm, Fairies, more mushrooms

-A Mansion or group of huge magical towers.

Actually Im not that familiar with the world itself. I only own the Descent games. is there a good resource for learning more about the setting?

An interesting thread.

All good ideas and lets face it even if FFG released the next expansion 'Bridge of Rainbows' we'd still buy it! lengua.gif

But as a personal wish list I would love to see a zombie apocalypse expansion. Just waves and waves of the undead shamblers throwing themselves at the desperate heroes striving to merely survive fills me with a warm glow.

"Sod the treasure Steve, just run!" "But its gold treasure John! GOLD!!...Arrrghhhh!" [Munch Munch!].

Although I'm not up on my Terrinoth(sp?) universe either afraid to say. Do they have zombies in that? I guess it strongly depends on what monsters feature in that rather than creating brand new gribblies that do not fit the Terrinoth theme.

Red Die Guy said:

An interesting thread.

All good ideas and lets face it even if FFG released the next expansion 'Bridge of Rainbows' we'd still buy it! lengua.gif

But as a personal wish list I would love to see a zombie apocalypse expansion. Just waves and waves of the undead shamblers throwing themselves at the desperate heroes striving to merely survive fills me with a warm glow.

"Sod the treasure Steve, just run!" "But its gold treasure John! GOLD!!...Arrrghhhh!" [Munch Munch!].

Although I'm not up on my Terrinoth(sp?) universe either afraid to say. Do they have zombies in that? I guess it strongly depends on what monsters feature in that rather than creating brand new gribblies that do not fit the Terrinoth theme.

They certainly have necromancers and plots that involve raising the dead. Pretty sure there is an undead dragon in one of the runebound expansions that is horrible to fight.

DarthDereck said:

Actually Im not that familiar with the world itself. I only own the Descent games. is there a good resource for learning more about the setting?

I compiled this document of all the fluff I could find from the various games in the Terrinoth setting. I tried to cite sources and stick as close to the "official" information as I could, but there's definitely some hypothesizing on my part, so take it with a grain of salt.

That file is in odt format, used by Open Office. Hopefully other programs like MS word can open it, but let me know if you have trouble.

Red Die Guy said:

Although I'm not up on my Terrinoth(sp?) universe either afraid to say. Do they have zombies in that? I guess it strongly depends on what monsters feature in that rather than creating brand new gribblies that do not fit the Terrinoth theme.

I'm not sure of any zombie sightings in officially published material to date, but there are definitely other types of undead. Skeletons, obviously, and there's a character in Runebound called "Kral the Bone Lich." I think it's safe to assume zombies CAN exist, at the very least.

Steve-O said:

I'm not sure of any zombie sightings in officially published material to date, but there are definitely other types of undead. Skeletons, obviously, and there's a character in Runebound called "Kral the Bone Lich." I think it's safe to assume zombies CAN exist, at the very least.

Sweet! Then sign me up for some zombie mayhem please! Can you imagine a dungeon like Kevin's first one in the Quest Compendium (several possible exits but only 1 true safe route) but where the heroes are plagued by hordes of zombies? That would be a riot!

Nice m8!!! Did u make a cards, or OL just look at pages with printed monster cards??? All cards looks great and good ideas for monster abilities. Can u make cards with Gnoll, Wererat, Werewolf, Vampire etc. Great work keep it up!!!! aplauso.gif

Tracker said:


Honestly I would just like more pre made dungeons books. We got a 1 and nothing more it seems. If they made more that hardback booklets with new quests or even a paper back one (just like in the advance games) with all the dungeons from each box set all in one that would make my day. Even throw in some Fan made ones for good measure it would also increase people wanting to design quest via the tools to see if they can get theirs enterd if more books were made.



We've got enough materials (lava, ice, boulders, crushing walls) and monsters (medusae, lava beetles, ogres, chaos beasts) to last for ages. We just need a couple of books to make us use them. Either a new second edition descent with streamlined rules or a new quest compendium which uses all available material from the different expansions. It's really a pity that you use only a fracture of the new monsters and effects in a normal descent game.

Wonzling said:


We've got enough materials (lava, ice, boulders, crushing walls) and monsters (medusae, lava beetles, ogres, chaos beasts) to last for ages. We just need a couple of books to make us use them. Either a new second edition descent with streamlined rules or a new quest compendium which uses all available material from the different expansions. It's really a pity that you use only a fracture of the new monsters and effects in a normal descent game.

I certainly wouldn't mind seeing a new quest compendium. The first one tanked for a number of entirely avoidable reasons, which is unfortunate. As long as FFG listens to the feedback and learns from what mistakes were made, I don't see any reason why a second volume would be poorly received.

Kevin Wilson reportedly commented once that the quests are the biggest time sink in creating expansions, or something to that effect.

The problems with the Quest Compendium all seem to be due to the fact that the quests were written by guest writers and not proofed (or at least not enough) by experienced staff. It seems plausible that the reason it was done that way was because they didn't think they could make a profit on it unless they got most of the work done by inexperienced guest writers. That's pure speculation, but if true, it suggests that a Quest Compendium II isn't going to happen, even if they agree with you that the first one only tanked due to a lack of editing/proofing, because they don't think they can afford to do editing/proofing.

Of course, if I were running things, and I decided that developing quests was too costly, I'd make a point of providing good support for fan-made quests to take up the slack. Instead, we get a poorly-organized, unsearchable database with outdated options (there's a checkbox for WoD, but still nothing for other expansions) and link to a slow, buggy, unsupported, and outdated map editor. That's scarcely better than nothing at all.

On the other hand, sometimes I wonder how much people actually need more quests. Fan quest threads in the homebrew forum rarely garner much response, and I've never seen anyone post claiming to have finished all official published quests (with or without the compendium).

Has anyone here actually run out of quests to play, now or at any point during your Descent career? Anyone at all?

Antistone said:

Has anyone here actually run out of quests to play, now or at any point during your Descent career? Anyone at all?

We are mostly playing RtL with all other expansions except SoB. Due to the bad feedback we didn't get the quest compendium.

So we're playing with the rule book for RtL with its 40 something quests and a couple of rumor dungeons. We have seen most of the levels multiple times by now, but I have never seen a ice wyrm on the board. The wendigo too is an interesting monster, which is never used due to a lack of ice levels. This is what bugs me most, cool features and, cool monsters that are rarely used. Maybe they just should have included 40 new RtL dungeon cards with ToI instead of a flabbergasting four. But since they didn't do that, we go on to crave for more dungeon and monster diversity in our RtL games.

The biggest hit in descent was the campaign so i fail to see why throw more guests in the mix. Speaking for my self only i never played a quest again once i played a campaign and we are on our 6th campaign and still loving it. It's probably because of the EPIC feel the campaign has and the RPG factor (advancement of power) that it is so familiar with a D&D sandbox campaign that appeals so much to me. It is only now that we have started playing a certain dungeon for a 3rd time or more since they were plenty and we certainly have enough different characters to last for a lifetime. What i would like to see personally is a new campaign even though i haven't even tried the SOB since alot of people have been really bad mouthing but it might come a day that i do try it on. (Sea battles seem tenious to say the least and most of the skills seem funny).

Anyway my vote is a 2nd edition, or a new campaign even better (you pick the setting).

As far as Antistone's question...in a couple of weeks I'm going to be playing the signature quest from the Altar of Despair expansion, um "The Altar of Despair". With that, I will have played every official quest available for base Descent, some more than once. I also purchased the Quest Compendium, but have yet to play any of those. I'll turn to that next for base Descent. I've looked over some of the fan-created quests and have been generally impressed.

Also, I have played nearly all of the RTL dungeons, if not all, by now, and additionally a fair number of the SOB dungeons.

I don't really expect Sea of Blood to be re-tooled by FFG, as that would be an open admission of weakness and that something was very wrong. As far as the complaints about the Quest Compendium, the company did issue a comprehensive FAQ. What more should they realistically be expected to do? I've seen a lot of complaints about the fact that a 10-page FAQ had to be released as if that was some sort of affront or something.... I don't get that line of "reasoning". What are they supposed to do, issue a 5-page FAQ and ignore what was to comprise the other 5? The point there is that some people will complain no matter what because that is what gets them off.. The bottom line is that they corrected the mistakes that were made and moved on. Yet you still see people holding onto some kind of residual grudge. I don't find that attitude helpful.

What I plan to do with Sea of Blood is make some adjustments to the game with house rules, especially with the lieutenant encounters. There have been some good house rule ideas posted previously along those lines. I can't remember by who. It holds a lot of promise and it would be a shame to just consign it forever to the shelf. For those who can't bear to use house rules....that's your prerogative. But I haven't given up on SOB by any means, it just needs some tweaking and I don't feel that FFG is going to do it.

I'm not sure we're going to see any further expansions for Descent. It would be nice if I'm wrong, and that the announcement upcoming at the Realms of Terrinoth II event will be for a new Descent expansion (possibly desert based?). But I fear that Kevin has lost his interest in working on Descent...

In the meantime, has anyone figured out a cure for what ails the Kraken yet?

Schmiegel said:

What I plan to do with Sea of Blood is make some adjustments to the game with house rules, especially with the lieutenant encounters. There have been some good house rule ideas posted previously along those lines. I can't remember by who. It holds a lot of promise and it would be a shame to just consign it forever to the shelf. For those who can't bear to use house rules....that's your prerogative. But I haven't given up on SOB by any means, it just needs some tweaking and I don't feel that FFG is going to do it.

What exactly is wrong with the LT encounters in SOB? I haven't played it yet and i am pondering if i should. As i understand everything is saying that they have made it impossible for the players and i suspect it has something to do with cutting all the good skills as i saw. RTL was pretty balanced for me and if you take out the HIGHLY random raze factor something that should definetely be fixed since i have seen campaign won by razing 3 on 3 cities and other lost when you could not raze to save your life, i just don't think something SO important should be left to blind luck or that someone the luck factor on that affair should be diminished. Other than that i find it pretty balancing and even in RTL the heroes must fight their way up to middle gold level where they will finally gain the upper hand (even though spider - queen is a monster on gold level with her dark charms and traps on LT encounters).

Anyway i would like to know more about what is wrong about SOB.