Descent/Runebound/Arkham Horror crossover question: Mordrog

By Ludomaniac, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have a very strange question for y'all: how would you stat up Mordrog as an Arkham horror investigator?

Perhaps I should give you a little background. My gaming group is starting to get into various Fantasy Flight games. We played Descent for the first time about a month ago. One of the players randomly drew Mordrog as his hero. He got into the role of Mordrog with great relish, adopting a loud, rough voice and making in-game declarations like, "Mordrog SPITS on your feeble fire breath!". By the end of the game, we were favorably comparing Mordrog to both Chuck Norris and The Most Interesting Man In The World.

Two weeks ago, we played our first game of Runebound. When we got to character selection, I gave the player a choice between randon selection or choosing Mordrog. He was vastly amused, as he had no idea that Mordrog was in both games. More hilarity ensued.

I will soon introduce the gang to Arkham Horror. For fun, I thought I'd used the Strange Aeons software to make an Investigator card for Mordrog so I could hand it to the player at the start of the game.

I'm still learning AH, but I envision Mordrog with high Stamina and low Sanity. Starting items would have to include something large and sharp. And what about flavor text?

Any suggestions?

Pick up the gangster, remove the tommy gun and exchange it for the Enchanted Blade, or the Magical Sword. If you can change the image on the enchanted blade for it to look like the Mordrog Axe, the more the better.

Ludomaniac said:

And what about flavor text?

Any suggestions?

"Mordrog SPITS on your feeble fire breath!" Sounds about right me. =)

Now you've gone and gotten me thinking about a Terrinoth-flavoured variant of AH. I can already feel the rusty gears in my head beginning to spin. =P